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*Jadens POV*

"Morning sleepy head" I said as Liv sat up. 
"What happened" she asked.
"You went to bed early" I said. 
"I must have had some drinks cause I dont remember that" she said. 
"Whats the last thing you remember" I asked. 
"You leaving because you had to go let out that forbidden frosting" she giggled.
"Dummy" I laughed.
"Although I had to use those nudes of you" I said. 
"Tmi Jaden" she said. 
"I just wish we could have fucked or you could have given me head or used those tiny hands or grinded on me" I said. 
"Horny fucker you have another boner" she said. 
"Princess" I said and she knew where I was going with this. 
"Nope nope nope I just woke up" she said. 
"Please" I said. 
"Later" she said and got up to shower leaving me on the bed to deal with my member.

*Olivias POV*

Once I finished showering I walked out to Jaden just laying there with his pants off as he cleaned up with tissues. 
"Wanna go get breakfast" Jaden asked as I brushed my hair and he pulled up his pants.  
"Sure let me get dressed" I said. I changed into jeans and a oversized shirt and Vans. I ran over to Jaden jumping on top of him.
"Im guessing your ready" he said and I nodded my head. We were picking up breakfast from (wherever you want) and Fletcher came over to us. 
"Hey guys" he said. 
"Hi" I said. 
"Congratulations on graduating" he said
"Thanks you" I said. 
"So you guys are still good after the tiktokroom post" he asked and Jaden and I looked at each other. 
"What post" Jaden asked. 
"Of Olivia and Kio kissing" Fletcher said.
"I didn't even see it" Jaden said.
"I never kissed Kio" I said. 
"You barely even remember the party" Jaden said. 
"I'm sorry we have to go" I said and Jaden and I got to the car and he slammed the car door. 

"Jae I promise I didn't kiss Kio" I said and he grabbed his phone looking for the picture.
"You sure you didn't" he said showing me the picture. 
"Jae I must have been drunk or something I dont remember" I said. We got home and didn't talk the whole car ride. Once we got in Jaden basically ran up the stairs and I followed as he went into Kio's room. 
"What the fuck dude" Jaden yelled. 
"Jaden no" I said. 
"BRYCE" I yelled as Jaden punched Kio. Bryce ran in and so did Josh Blake and Noah for some reason. They got Jaden off of Kio who looked terrible right now. 
"Jaden what the fuck" I said. 
"He deserved it" he said and went to his room slamming the door. 
"Did something happen" Bryce asked. 
"There's a picture of Kio and I kissing from last night" I said.
"Seriously Liv" Josh said. 
"I don't even remember it I dont remember much of last night" I said. 

"I never saw you getting drinks though" Bryce said.
"I don't remember getting drinks" I said. 
"Did anyone give you anything to drink" Noah asked. 
"Um Im not sure actually" I said. 
"Kio was there let's ask him" Blake said. They all looked at Kio who had blood on his face. 
"Kio what happened" Josh asked. 
"I'm not sure either" he said. 
"I never saw you getting drinks" Noah said. 
"I don't know what happened I didn't want to kiss Liv ok I just wanna be friends with her" Kio said. 
"You tried to kiss her before why should we trust you now" Josh said. Once everyone was done arguing I went to Jadens room. 
"Jaden" I whispered and walked in to see him crying. 
"I don't wanna see you" he said. 
"Please Jaden it wasn't on purpose plus I don't remember the kiss" I said and sat on his bed. 
"I told you to leave" he said so I nodded and went to my room. After another I went to Jadens room and he just looked at me then back down. 
"You probably dont wanna have to deal with me anymore and I don't wanna waste your time so give this to someone who deserves it" I said and handed him the promise ring. 

He just opened his mouth but couldn't speak. I walked out and went into my room. I just sat there crying and alone for a few hours until someone knocked on the door. 
"Go away" I said but someone walked in. 
"Can you go" I said not looking at who it was but someone sat on the side of the bed. 
"I just thought you may like chipotle" he said holding up a paper bag. I looked up and saw he had a soft smile. 
"You hated me a few hours ago" I said. 
"I didn't hate you and no matter what you do I will never hate you" he said. He put what I usually got from Chipotle infront of me and the tv remote. 
"Snow white " I asked. 
"Whatever you want he said as he got closer and pulled me so I was laying my head on his lap. 

"Kio told me what happened" Jaden said. 
"Would you mind telling me" I asked. 
"Turns out Mads ran into you last night on purpose and you got a bloody nose so when she walked away Kio brought you upstairs and gave you drugged water or something put you on his lap and kissed you as Mads took a picture" Jaden said. 
"But they were my friends and I trusted them" I said as my eyes became glossy again. Jaden pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.
"It's ok you have the Sway boys and their girlfriends and hype and Bryce but best of all me" he said making me giggle a little. 
"And I think this belongs to you" he said giving me the promise ring.
"And Liv just know you aren't a waste of time if we do end up going separate ways one day i'll be glad I spent time with you" he said.
"So just like that were better" I asked. 
"You were drugged it's not you fault now let's watch Snow white" he said.

We cuddled throughout the movie and the guys made fun of Jaden for watching it but it's ok. 
"I can't believe Mads was just a fake friend" I said.
"Ya she's a bitch" Jaden said. 
"You can't tell me the thought of getting back with her didnt go through your mind once after you thought I cheated" I said.
"Not once" he said.
"Liar" I said.
"Ok fine maybe a few times" he said so I decided to mess with him. I got my head off his chest and got off the bed and walked into his room. 
"Baby don't be mad I don't think things through when I get mad" he said. I sat down on his bed and he laid down pulling me down with him. 
"I wasn't mad I just wanted cuddles" I laughed. 
"Of course" he said. 
"Yup" I said. 
"So you still up for tonight" he asked. 
"Todays been such a long day" I said. 
"And" he asked and kissed me which turned into making out. Y'all know what happened.

I laid next to Jaden as we tried catching out breathes. 
"Carry me to the bath" I said and help my arms out for him to carry me. He carried me setting me on the toilet and got the bath ready.
"Bubbles" I said so he grabbed the bubbles pouring them in the water. 
"I think it's warm enough" he said and gently picked me up and set me down and got in as well. He gently pulled me onto his lap and grabbed some soap rubbing it onto my hair. 
"I love you" I said.
"I love you more" he said and kissed me. Once we finished showering he wrapped me in a towel and put me in his boxers and hoodie. He picked me up accidentally grabbing my legs to hard. 
"Jae that hurts let go" I whined.
"Shit I'm so sorry" he said as he set me down and laid next to me. I cuddled into him and he wrapped his arms around me. 
"Goodnight" he said. 
"Goodnight" I said and stuck my head into his neck before falling asleep. 


I have listened to Love Race 50+ times since it came out and it will be another 50+ tomorrow lmao

It took me forever to write this for some reason ok thats all 

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