6 - The Trial of the Sun

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Hobi looked around nervously as he sat in his designated seat in the giant courtroom. Everyone was getting ready and taking their places. He just hoped things were going to go in his favor.

"Let's get this trial started!" Jungkook declared as he began his role as the bailiff. "This case shall be known as General Public v. Jung Hoseok. Prosecution, please introduce yourself."

"Bailiff, I am the Mad Hatter, and I will be serving as today's prosecution." Taehyung said as he stood up from his seat at the table on the other side. Jin was sitting right next to him. "The general public will be represented by our wise and noble ruler, the Worldwide Handsome King of Diamonds. I will do everything in my power to see to it that you find the defendant guilty on all charges and in all aspects."

"Thank you, and may the odds be ever in your favor." Jungkook replied. "Defense, please introduce yourself." Namjoon stood from his seat beside Hobi.

"Bailiff, I am the Mock Turtle, and I will serve as today's defense. I will try my best to convince you to find the defendant Jung Hoseok innocent on what you accuse of him. Thank you."

"We will always find your leadership inspirational and admirable even after this, Mock Turtle. Jury, I hope that you will take heed of everything that will be said today, especially your leader."

"We shall do our best." a voice said, and Hobi saw a magnifying glass being focused on the first seat of the jury stand. Yoongi was there, serving as the jury leader.

"Now let us all rise for our judge." Everyone stood up as the judge entered the courtroom and took his seat at the front. It was none other than Jimin.

"At least you're the one who looks taller now, huh, White Rabbit?" Jungkook asked with a snicker.

"Shut up!" Jimin exclaimed, and he pounded his gavel. "Prosecution, please call up your first witness."

"The prosecution calls shiny Taemin to the stand." Taehyung replied.

"What? Why would you be calling my best friend?"

"Because he has some reliable evidence, Your Honor!"

"Is it really reliable or is it just shiny?" Jin asked.

"Both!" The oldest just rolled his eyes. In any case, Taemin went up to the stand.

"Tell me, Taemin. Where did you first see the defendant?" Taehyung asked.

"I first saw him as a giant in the White Rabbit's house." Taemin replied.

"And you tried to get him out of there, is that correct?"

"Yes, indeed."

"But he blew you away, right?"


"Is it possible he may have produced wind as part of his weather-like powers? He is the sun after all."

"I believe it is highly possible, and I think he became a giant so he could send out his rays much bigger and stronger than he usually does!"

"I rest my case. I have no further questions, Your Honor."

"Hey, that's not true!" Hobi said to Namjoon. "I didn't mean to blow him away! I just sneezed! And I only became a giant because I ate that cookie that makes me grow!"

"Don't worry. I got this." Namjoon replied, and he went to do his questioning of Taemin. "Taemin, do you have any reason to believe that the defendant meant no harm to you?"

"No. I believe he already caused enough damage as it was when he turned into a monster inside the White Rabbit's home."

"Were you even aware that it was still him after he grew?"

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