I opened my eyes and I was back at the rooftop, sitting on the ground. I looked down and it doesn't seem like I've died. I looked around and everything seemed normal. I looked at the time and it was 7:23 pm, 3 minutes after I jumped. I looked around and thought if it was a dream, if I'm just a soul standing on Earth, still unable to leave. But i then heard a rustling noise nearby and it scared me.

"Who's there!" I yelled. "Show yourself!"

No response but something emerged behind a wall. It was a young boy in white and red. He doesn't look like Jesus but he doesn't even look like a go-.

"I am a God Daniel" said the boy.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled as I try to throw some rubble to him but nothing was on my hand. I couldn't pick anything up, like it passed through my hand but at the same time, I couldn't pass through walls or go through the balcony. "What did you do to me?!"

"Dan... calm down.... I'm here to help!" the boy said. "My name is Chronos... Greek God of Time. And I prevented your death to help you!"

Chronos... God of Time... Father time?! I have heard about him but I didn't know he was young. I thought he was old like Zeus. So many questions... so little ti-.

"I'm not old because youth symbolises a longer timeline. Yes, I am real and I know who you are as me and all the other Gods have been observing you. Jesus, Buddha, Zeus, Rati (Hindu Goddess of Love), even the wise Helix Fossil... they are real. I know you are Christian but don't worry, I will not convince you to convert" said the boy. "What i did to you though... you are just a soul but still stuck in the material world. Your body is halfway down as it's been cloaked and in a superstate of both alive or dead, depending on what you choose. I brought you here as I came to help you".

"Help me? Then can you bring Phil back to life?" I pleaded. "Can you prevent this from happening?"

"I'm sorry but what happened to Phil is in a time lock. I can't do anything about it but you can" Chronos said.

"Why wouldn't you let me sacrifice myself?" I asked.

"Because this isnt the answer" Chronos replied. "In fact, there is an offer you can do that is much greater in value to help your friend".

"What is it?" I asked.

Chronos plucked a bit of my hair and levitated it off the ground. He raised both hiss hands up and casted a spell as his hands and arms were spread apart and a white light glowed with his hand.

"Pame piso sto chrono" he chanted. "Piso opou i zoi tou Ntan xekinise se dyo chiliades ennea" (Translation: Bring us back in time, Back where Dan's life began in two thousand and nine).

A huge ball of light surrounded my strand of hair and grew into a giant ball of light. I was immobilised to move away. I couldn't tell where I was going or see Chronos anywhere. I was falling through a hole that after a blink, I saw myself in a different location.


I saw myself in a brown-painted wall bedroom. There, my clothes feel different, the air felt different, I felt different. I was lying on the ground and found myself lying on the floor and looked left. I faced myself to a mirror and saw I was 6 years younger.

I'm back to 2009!

"Chronos?" i called but no respond.

"Daniel.... are you ready?" a woman's voice asked. It sounded like my mother.

I stood up and saw train tickets next to my bag. I saw the destination and its to Lancaster.

"Mum... what day is it today?" I asked. My voice sounded different.

Phan Oneshots (a collection of short stories)Where stories live. Discover now