22. Sequel Part III - Eddy's 3rd year: Winter

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It was January. It was the middle of winter in Tokyo and it was snowing. Eddy had his scarf wrapped tightly around his face. He was at the campus of K University, nervous to take his entrance exams for the faculty of medicine.


Eddy turned around. There stood a young man, slightly shorter than Eddy, dressed in a very thick coat with his face wrapped around with multiple scarfs and a beanie pulled over his head.

Eddy tilted his head in question.


"Chen, it's Yang."

It was Eddy's senpai from his senior high school American Football club. Yang had graduated the year before and had been studying at home for his university entrance exams as he was unsuccessful in gaining entry the year before. His voice was muffled because of the scarf that covered his mouth.

"OMG, sorry senpai I didn't recognise you!"

Yang muttered robotically.

"I don't like the cold."

Eddy smiled.

"I can see that."

Eddy then raised an eyebrow.

"But senpai, I thought you were from snow country, Hokkaido."

"Yeah. Big misconception. We love the warm indoors unless we're doing winter sports. And I left all my kick-ass snow gear at my grandparents' house in Hokkaido. I would've wanted to wear my ski jacket today but it's in so many bright colours, I'd look like a circus clown in a sea of black and navy if I wore it here."

Eddy smiled again.

"I think of all people, you could've pulled it off, senpai."

"Ha. So, Chen, you're here for entrance exams for medicine?"


"I knew it. Such a smart boy you are."

"Don't know about that.. I tried to prepare by following your advice, but.."

"You'll do fine, I'm sure."

"Senpai, please take these."

Eddy held out a couple of disposable heating packs; the type that warm up when opened.

"Chen, I can't take them, they're yours."

"I don't mind.. I still have plenty. My mum practically made me bring a whole bulk pack of them."

Yang smiled. He took his hand out of his pocket and reached out to Eddy's hand.

"Thanks, Chen, I owe you one. With this, I think I might have a chance of actually moving my fingers and write something."

"OMG senpai your hands are like ice."

Eddy took a step in and dropped the heading packs into the pocket of Yang's jacket, he then quickly grabbed Yang's hand, forcing a handshake. Eddy then covered Yang's right hand by placing his left hand over it.

Yang looked up.


"...deja vu?"

Yang looked puzzled.

"...Yeah... why?"

"You did this to me when we first met."

Yang chuckled.

"Not with both hands if I remember correctly, but so I did, with the handshake. Geez Chen, how come your hands are so warm?"

"I think I'm just nervous about the exam. This is good, it's actually calming me down."

Yang smiled.

"It's a win-win then."

Eddy shyly smiled back.

"Yes. Good luck with your exams senpai."

"Same to you Chen."

February. Eddy was at the K university campus and he smiled as he found his student application number among the list of students who passed their entrance exam and were offered a spot to study at the University from spring.

He took a quick photo of the bulletin board where his number was on display and sent it to his mother.

He discretely left the area where the board was as others were crowding in to have a look. Eddy noticed some students were in tears for not being offered a spot.

Eddy decided to walk around the campus, his campus, a bit. After all, he will be studying here from the spring which was only a little bit more than a month away.

He saw another board with students gathered in front of it. There he recognised someone. Someone who this time was much easier to identify as his face wasn't wrapped up in so many scarfs.

"Yang senpai...!"


"How are you?"

"Great, I got into Economics."

Eddy broke out into a smile.

"Congratulations senpai. I got into Medicine."

Yang widened his eyes.

"Wow Chen.. getting straight in after high school, after playing for our AFC till November and taking them to the regionals... that is truly amazing.. congratulations. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, senpai."

"So.... I'll get to see you at uni, huh"


"And.. will you be playing American Football with me?"

"Yes, I hope so."

"Wow...that is... so great."

Eddy smiled.

"Thank you. I feel the same way. Um, senpai, may I please ask you for a favour?"

Yang raised his eyebrow.

"This is rather unusual?"

Eddy stammered.

"I.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."

"Oh no, no, no, you're not being rude, Chen. Of course you can ask me, anything."

Eddy looked surprised.

"Are you sure you can say that ?"

"For you, yes."

Eddy looked relieved and smiled again.

"... Senpai, I was hoping you would come to my graduation next month?"

"Your graduation?"

"Yes, the American Football Club members would be stoked to see you, too."

Yang smiled.

"Chen, meeting the AFC members from your cohort would be a great bonus, but honestly, I'd go even if it was just for you."

"Really? Thank you so much senpai. I'm so lucky I got to see you today, otherwise, I wouldn't have had the chance to ask you in time."

Yang smirked and took out his phone from his pocket.

"Chen, you know what, I think it's about bloody time you and I exchanged numbers. What do you recogn?"

Eddy looked surprised.

"Chen, what's your number? I'll ring you now. Then you can text me the time when your graduation ceremony starts, yeah?"

"Yes, senpai."

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