9. Side story - December: Eddy and Brettany

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"Brettany, Valentine's day is coming up."

"Yeah, Edwina."

Edwina is Brettany's best friend from junior high school.  They are in 1st year senior high.

"So, um, are you doing anything this year ?"

It's the one day of the year when girls can confess to boys.

Brettany blushed.


"Oh.. so you do have someone in mind!! How come you never told me!? Who? Who is it ??"

"You first. I know you have someone in mind. Who's yours Edwina ??"

"Yang senpai in 2nd year."

"Oh of course. The Yang-spell."

Edwina blushed.

"Yeah. I'm just going to give him a gift as a fan though.  So what about you? I had no idea you had someone..."

"...Eddy Chen in 1B."

"...I don't think I know him. How did you get to know him?"

"A couple of months ago on our standardised test day where we all had to make our own way to the exam venue in the city by train in peak rush hour..."

"..Hey you don't look very well, are you feeling okay?"

Brettany looked up. She was pale and had tears in her eyes.

"Here, give me your school bag, let me carry it for you. You can lean on me. Excuse me, sorry, coming through.."

The train carriage was packed with commuters and students and the boy politely asked the nearby passengers to excuse him so that he could move closer to Brettany as he reached out his arm towards her. He was wearing the same school badge as Brettany on his gakuran (male high school uniform jacket with a raised collar) but she didn't recognise him from school.

Brettany kept staring at the boy who managed to reach his arm past Brettany's body. She fidgeted a little, then gave out a sigh of relief as she let her tears fall.

She leaned in towards the boy and with a tremble in her voice, she whispered.

"Thank you..."

"I'm here with my friend.. do you want to stand with us?"

"No, I'm okay now, but thank you."

Eddy managed to squeeze through the crowded train carriage and return to where his friend Jordan was standing. It was a bit easier this time than when he made his way towards Brettany because a large number of people just got off at the last stop. Jordan smirked when he noticed Eddy's return.

"Eddy, what was all that? You like her? Too bad she turned you down."

"No, Jordan, there was a sicko behind her feeling her up."

Jordan's jaw dropped.

"Oh f... I mean, fairy floss. So she wasn't feeling sick?"

"No, I just wanted to reach my arm out towards her so that the pervert would back off. He got off the train at the last stop, thank goodness."

"OMG Eddy... that was so good of you to notice and do something for her."

"My sister taught me when I grew taller than her.. I think it was when I was in my last year of junior high.  She said it could help a lot of girls if I knew a safe way to approach them."

"OMG Eddy..."

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"Jordan you already said that."

"OMG Eddy I know that. And I've also already said before that I'm straight as a ruler, but man, I just like almost fell in love with you."

Eddy burst out laughing.

"OMG Jordan, get a hold of yourself."

"OMG!!!!! That's such a kind thing he did for you Brettany!"

"I know. And I didn't know his name for a week till you dragged me to go watch Yang senpai do his warm-ups."

"OMG now I remember! It's that time when you started wailing while we were watching !!! Eddy Chen is the new guy that recently joined the AFC isn't he? He's the tall, slender guy that always does his ups next to Yang senpai!!"


"Ooooh, yes, he's cute. And he sounds so kind and such a decent guy, too.  OMG, did you say he's in 1B?????  So he's like really smart too!?!?!?  That's insane. Wow. So.. what do you plan to do?"

Brettany blushed again.

"I want to thank him again.. then ask him out..."

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