2. Side story - April: The Yang-Spell on Edwina

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"OMG Eddy I can't believe you aren't as affected as the others. I know someone from another 1st year class who underwent the Yang-spell and she had to be sent to the sickbay."

Eddy looked confused.

"..The Yang what ? There's a technical term for it !? What the heck was this girl sent to sickbay for ???"


"Hey, are you okay?"

Edwina peeled her teary eyes away from the school map in her school diary and looked up. A male student in a well-fitted school uniform was in front of her. He wasn't like the boys who wore oversized, ill-fitting uniforms like most of the boys in her first year class. He must be at least a 2nd year student, a senpai. He had pitch-black hair which was quite common at her school despite no school rules against colouring your hair.  It suited the boy who had expressive eyebrows and strong dark eyes.

"Um.. I think I'm lost."

The boy smirked.

"You're a first year?"


She just started at this senior high school a week ago along with the rest of her 1st year cohort.  Most of her classes were held in her "homeroom", the designated classroom for her class, 1E.  For the first lesson of her elective subject of music, she had moved to and from classes with her classmates who had also picked music so that she wouldn't get lost but today she had to go and fetch her notebook from her locker between classes and had unfortunately missed them.

"Our building is so old, we keep adding extensions, it's hella confusing, hey. Where are you meant to go ?"

"The music room, M302."

"Hmm, I've never picked music as an elective.  It's just not my thing, y'know. Okay, show me our school map you've got there."

The boy stepped closer to stand next to her and peered over Edwina's shoulder. Edwina blushed.

"Crap, what a sh*tty map."

"Edwina glanced at the boy in surprise.

The boy noticed Edwina was looking at him and bit his lip.

"Um.. sorry, my language is atrocious."

"It's okay, I've got brothers."

Edwina lied. She only had a sister.

The boy shrugged.

"As I was saying, this map is total rubbish. I'll walk you."

"I can't let you do that."

"Follow me."

The boy didn't take no as an answer and Edwina was in no position to oppose a senpai so she quietly followed him.

He approached the stairs and as soon as he reached the staircase, he practically disappeared from Edwina's view. Edwina quickly tried to follow him but by the time she reached the mid-landing of the stairs, she noticed the boy was almost a full set of stairs or a whole a storey lower than where she was.


She thought of calling out but then had second thoughts, she didn't think it was the right thing to call out to him, so she tried to dash down the stairs faster. She was focused on her feet, careful not to trip. As she went around the next landing, she nearly collided with the boy.

"Sorry! Are you okay? I went down the stairs, turned around and you weren't there so I came back."

Edwina stammered, blushing.

"Y..yes. I..I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dashed off like that.. I tend to do that when I go down a flight of stairs."

Edwina let out a little laugh, then she quickly bit her lip.

"Sorry, that was rude of me."

The boy shrugged.

"I didn't think so. Anyway, let's get going, you're late for your class."

"What about you?"

"I'll be okay."

The boy knocked on the M302 music room door and opened it.

"Sir, sorry this one's late. I dropped some papers and she helped me pick them up."

"Okay, thank you Yang."

Edwina looked at the boy called Yang in surprise.

Yang flashed a smile then said;

"Ok, see you later."

And he left. Edwina didn't even get to say thank you.

10 minutes later, Edwina's music teacher said with concern;

"Edwina? Are you feeling okay ? Your face is terribly red, I think you have a temperature. Brettany, will you please escort Edwina to sickbay ?"

Twoset SenpaiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora