14. August: Summer Training Camp

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It was August, summer holidays and the American Football Club had their annual summer training camp at school. In addition to the almost daily training sessions during the summer holidays, the AFC also had a training camp which involved a few nights' of sleepovers in the judo dojo (training room) of the school and they got to eat their meals in the school canteen which had tables and chairs set up for the training camps. Most athletic clubs at the school were given 4-6 days of camp at the school.

Since Eddy didn't join the AFC till November last year, which was late autumn, this was his first summer training camp. The training sessions at camp started early in the morning and were long and gruelling. On their first day of camp, after they had finally finished their training for the day, they all freshened up and had dinner. The first years were then sent out to the nearest convenience store to get some snacks. They were told they could take their time so that it gave them an opportunity to relax and mingle with their peers for a while. While the 2nd and 3rd years were waiting for their return, Yang grabbed a torch and flashed it under his chin.

"Someone go kill the lights?"

Eddy sprung up onto his feet and went to turn off the lights.

Yang's face, lit from below his chin was the only visible thing in the room. He looked pretty creepy.

Eddy rejoined the circle and sat down. He knew it was the start of telling ghost stories which he wasn't very keen on. He wasn't scared of them but just wasn't particularly fond of them.

The torch was passed around the 3rd year senpais who took turns telling lame ghost stories.

The torch was finally returned to Yang.

The other 3rd years grinned.

"Oooh, here goes..."

Yang lit the flashlight underneath his chin again.

"Look guys..."

Yang definitely had the voice for it. His body frame didn't give it away at first glance but he actually had a very deep voice, possibly the lowest amongst all the 3rd years in the AFC.

"...I just found out that the school's oldest bathroom is haunted..."

Eddy didn't want to look disrespectful but if he could speak his mind he would've just scoffed.

Oh c'mon...!

"People have heard voices from the cubicles...Not just one voice, but voices of multiple ghosts...!!"

Yang's story was short and simple and didn't leave much of an impression.

Eddy woke up in the middle of the night. He checked his phone he left by his futon mattress. It was a few minutes past 1am. Everyone else was out like a light thanks to the gruelling training. It was simply impossible to stay up late during training camp.

Eddy wanted to go to the bathroom so he got up from his futon mattress laid on the judo mat room where all the AFC members were sleeping.

As he tiptoed towards the exit of the room, he noticed someone else had gotten up. Eddy wasn't sure who it was but the person caught up with him as Eddy exited the room.


Eddy turned around.

"...Yang senpai."

"Chen, you going to the loo, too? Let's just use the girls' one, it's closer. This way."

The AFC only consisted of boys except for the "managers" who did administrative tasks for the club which included girls but they weren't staying overnight at the camp.

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