20. Sequel Part I - Eddy's 3rd year: Spring

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April. It is the new school year and Eddy was now in his 3rd year of senior high school, his final year.

"Hi, welcome to our school. I'm Chen, a 3rd year student and a member of the American Football Club, the AFC. Would you be interested in a trial practice session with us?"

"Hi Eddy."


"You look busy."

"I'm okay. We've just been recruiting the new 1st years. Hey, would you like to go grab a coffee?"

"Yes, I'd love that."

Eddy handed the rest of the flyers and his clipboard to one of the 2nd year AFC members and said he was taking a break for a bit. There was a family café/restaurant right across the street from the main gate of their high school which was a popular hangout place for the more senior students who usually had a bit more pocket money than the juniors. Eddy would usually grab his food or drinks from either the school canteen or from the convenience store across the street from the school's side gate but he would usually take Brettany to the nicer café/restaurant when he asked her out for a coffee. It was still pretty affordable, a bottomless cup of coffee (free refills) was about A$3.

Eddy held Brettany's hand to cross the road. It was an unspoken school tradition for couples to hold hands to cross the street in front of the school and Eddy decided he would take advantage of it when he first heard this from his friend Jordan. All he had to do was show his palm to Brettany, as Jordan assured him repeatedly, and Brettany acted as if it was the most natural thing on the planet and placed her hand in his.

Once they crossed the street, they used to awkwardly throw each other's hands away as if they were hot potatoes, though recently Brettany had started to hold onto Eddy's hand a little bit tighter, or even use her other hand to hold onto Eddy's hand sometimes. She would only ever do that till they reached the front door of the café at most. Arriving at the café door made it a good ending point to their hand-holding. Eddy would open the door for her and she'd let go of his hand as she smiled and walked in.

"Thank you, Eddy."

Once they were seated he would always ask;

"Would you like to have something sweet with your coffee, Brettany?"

Brettany didn't like sugar in her coffee but instead preferred to have something sweet with it.

Brettany was already checking out the seasonal specials.

"There's a really cute pink cherry blossom cake, it's a seasonal special, may we share that?"

"Of course."

"So, what class are you this year, Brettany?"

They knew they wouldn't be in the same class this year as their electives were so different.

"3A. Who would have thought I'd get into the A class! Only possible because of the electives I've chosen. How about you?"

"3J. The 10th class out of 10 classes in our year."

Brettany smiled.

"I hope you successfully explain to your mum that 3J is actually the top STEM class."

Eddy jokingly facepalmed himself.

"Yeah, I know.. she's really into grades and stuff, I hope she believes me..."

"What do you think is gonna happen to us this year Eddy? Do you feel the pressure to study?"

"Um.. I don't know.. I think it's acceptable to ease off the AFC in 3rd year so in fact, I have a feeling I might have more time to study than last year..."

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