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Jieun's POV

"You promised to watch the game" my brother, Jeno, said as he stare at me "Aren't you going to support your older bro?" he said, trying to act cute.

I really don't have interests in watching sports but ironically, my brother's a part of a hockey team. I haven't really saw him play in person before but I did watch some of the recordings that mom took when he watches them to monitor how he did and that's all.

"I have plans on that day" I replied

He pouted "Busy huh?" a smirk crept into his lips. Oh no, this ain't good. "You owe me one right? That means you owe me a wish..."

"Are you gonna use it?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Fine, but you have no wishes left after that" I said to him as I pull out my phone from my pocket.

If you're wondering what wish he is talking about, it's like my payment to him when he helped me. We do this every time. If one of us helped or saved the other person, we grant a wish to the person who helped. It's like showing gratitude.

"Okaaay!!" he shouted as he punch the air "By the way, you said you have plans on that day, what is it? Is it okay to cancel it? Unless..."

I just whistled and looked away as I pretended not to hear him.

"So you were making an excuse!! Do you really dislike watching hockey?" he asked

"I don't like nor dislike it. It just doesn't prick my interest" I answered "They bore me"

"Trust me, you won't get bored" he said and winked. He's pumped huh? I just chuckled.

He's that excited that I'll watch his game huh? Well, it's the first time after all. He's been playing hockey for three years now and it's the first time that I'll go watch the game and he's a clingy brother.

{Day of the game}

I'm now at the stadium, it's kinda cold but it's not as cold as I imagined. I'm currently waiting for the game to start and the players are warming up. And while watching them practice, two members from my brother's team caught my attention. Number 66 and number 27. They're cute. I think my brother saw that I was eyeing his teammates and began teasing me. Not long after, the game started.

I don't really understand how the game is going but as of now, both teams haven't scored yet. The only sport I have knowledge on is basketball, and oh boy, I hockey is very different, I think...

Time went by and I didn't even noticed. The game has now ended with the score 3-2 in favor of my brother's team. It seems that number 27 is the ace of their team.

"JIEUN! YOU SAW THAT??" my brother asked, smiling. He looks happy and I feel proud coz he also scored a goal a while ago!
I nodded and smiled at him. After we exited the stadium, a player approached me.

"You look a lot like Jeno" he said and chuckled
I just looked at him and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm Haechan Lee" he said "Jersey number 66 from the Dinosaurs"

"Ohh! Hiii" I greeted

He took a step closer and whispered near my ear "Is your brother clingy? Coz he looks like he is" he asked jokingly and chuckled "But you know what he told us when you agreed to watch the game?"

I looked at him waiting for him to continue.
"He said that he wanted to win this game more becau—"

He was cut off from talking when Jeno's hand covered his mouth and his other arm wrapped around his neck.

"Because his number 1 fan is watching him" someone behind me continued. When did I become his fan tho?

I looked at him and it's number 27!

"Hi, the name's Sungchan Jung" he said

Jeno finally let go of Haechan and Haechan's now breathing heavily and catching his breath.
Sungchan dragged Haechan with him and bid goodbye. I looked at Jeno and he just smiled at me.

While on our way home, we spoke and joked around.

"So, when did I become your number 1 fan?" I asked him

"I just know that you're my number 1 fan" he answered "You're a lot sweeter that you seem after all" he teased.

Just liked that, our conversation continued until we reached the house.

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