chapter 6

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ruv's pov :  

the next morning, i woke up and i was still cuddling sarv, thankfully she was still asleep and yes she even looked adorable in the mornings. i carefully got out of bed without waking her up, a strand of her long hair was across her face, so i tucked it behind her ear and put the covers over her and tucked her in. " i love you so much sarv" i whispered quietly, i somehow found the nerve to kiss her on the head and thankfully i didn't wake her up. i then got dressed and put on my hat and went downstairs, it was quite lonely without her. so i just turned on the tv, the russian slapping contest wasn't on until another hour so i flicked through the channels but nothing was on so i turned off the tv. i wonder when sarv is going to wake up, she seemed pretty tired last night, maybe i should make her some breakfast. so i went into the kitchen and raided the cupboards, in the end, i decided to make some pancakes for her. so i got out the ingredients and mixed them together, this was my first time baking, it is odd to see me baking cause it's not my thing but i'm doing it for sarv, since she made me cake yesterday. once the mixture was ready, i got out the frying pan and turned on the stove. i got some butter and put it on the pan to melt, i then put some of the mixture on the pan and it spread around the pan nicely, i hope sarv would like it, i thought as i tried to flip the pancake but failed, it sailed through the air and landed on my hat. great i thought as i peeled it off myself, there was some fluff on it so i decided to bin it and start a new one, it had to be perfect, like sarv. luckily the second pancake turned out good and this time, i used a fish slice to turn it over because i don't trust myself to flip them anymore. i used up all of the mixture and it made twelve pancakes, i saved four for myself cause why not. i hope they taste alright i thought as i dribbled honey over sarv's and then found some whipped cream and put it on top and got a strawberry to finish it off. it looked ok, and i was pleased with it, maybe i should start baking..... i really don't know what i do for my crush sarv anymore... next thing i'll probably be praying with her i thought as i carried her breakfast in, sarv was still asleep so i was quiet and careful with the pancakes. i put them down on the locker beside her, i didn't know what else to do, should i wake her up? or should i leave her? but then the pancakes will get cold, and it isn't as nice and they go all hard. in the end i decided to wake her up, i gently shook her  " sarv... it's me ruv, wake up, i made you breakfast" i said gently. she stirred and opened her eyes " oh hi ruv!" she said, the she saw the pancakes i made her " oh ruv.... did you make those?" she said, " yeah, and they're for you sarv" i said. " awww thanks so much ruv...... i never expected you to be baking!" she said, smiling at me. " neither did i" i said.

A//N: wow already did chapter 6! now i'm hungry after writing that chapter....... also i frickin love this ship, as you can see how frequently i publish these chapters

the nun and the runaway crimal  ruv x sarvWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu