Chapter 23

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Ruv's POV :

A few years had passed and selever was 3 now and he was starting to become impossible to look after. One time he nearly set the house on fire, which was scary, even for me, but Sarv managed to stop the fire from spreading, and don't ask me how he even managed to do that. Anyways, he is able to walk now, which makes Sarv so happy for some reason, she always holds his hands and encourages him to walk. That really tugs on my heartstrings, seeing Sarv being a mother, but then things were going to change... One day we were having dinner, and I was feeding selever his dinner, which mostly ended up down his bib, I sighed and mopped up his face " really sev? You need to eat, not dirty your clothes" I said, Sarv laughed " oh isn't he such a devil Ruv?" said sarv finishing up her meal, " I can see that Sarv" I said, blowing my hair away from my face. " Ruv... I want to talk to you about something" said sarv, getting all quiet all of a sudden, and I knew that this was going to be important. " k" I said sitting down, " umm, first, we should put selever to bed " said sarv, getting up and taking selever out of his highchair, " now time for bed selever " said sarv in her baby voice, selever just squirmed and kicked, but sarv was strong enough to keep him in her arm. then she went out of the room and put selever to bed, i could hear thumping, i sighed and put my head in my hands, it was a nightmare looking after him i don't know how sarv put up with it. a few moments sarv appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, " so what did you want to talk about?" i said, sarv sighed and sat beside me " so you know the sev had just turned three the other day, and um.. you know that Rasazy is three years younger than him..." said sarv, looking down and blushing, and i knew what she was going to say, " what i mean ruv is that um.. we should have another baby, ok? so that we can have rasazy, and i know how much you had bonded with her when they came to visit us" said sarv. i nodded, " i understand sarv, and ok, we will have her, k? " i said, sarv looked up at me and smiled " thanks ruv" said sarv, hugging me " you don't understand how special this is to me" she said, i smiled " anything for my sarv" i said, her hair was tickling my face and i could smell her shampoo she uses. 

A//N : heyyyy, so hers's another chapter i did, and yup i betcha can't wait for the next chapter

and yes i got lazy again hehe

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