chapter 12

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Ruv's pov:

After that kiss, our relationship had became less awkward and I was working on smiling more as Sarv loves it whenev I smile, it always cheers her up on the most hardest days. "morning Ruv" said Sarv, ruffling my hair, I groaned as she messed it up even more but then I smiled. "awww" she said, kissing me, I loved it when she did that. We finally got up a few hours later we decided to get up after cuddling in bed, which was amazing. "hey I'm hungryyy" said Sarv, "I'll make us pancakes, k?" I said, getting out the ingredients, Sarv sat down at the table, damn she looked cute in her nightdress. "yeah!" she said, that made me feel happy I loved pleasing her. So I made pancakes and we both ate them, "omg Ruv, these are amazing!!" she said, biting into one. "thanks" I said, we then watched TV, "let's watch Russian slapping contest" said Sarv, resting herself on me, "k" I said, grinning rubbing her head. Her hair was so soft and fluffy, "hehe thanks Ruv ~" she said giggling "I love your giggling" I said, not paying attention to the TV for once. "I love this" she said, smiling at me "I'm so glad that we're together Ruv, I had always dreamed to do this with you" she said, leaning into me and kissing me, I kissed her back. Sarv had put her hands on my shoulders and I put my hands on her waist, I was a bit scared of how Sarv would react but she didn't care, so we continued to kiss for a while. "hehe that was nice" she said when we finally pulled apart, her long hair was tickling my face, "yes it was" I said. Sarv hugged me, "your like a pillow, my favourite pillow" she said, resting her head on my chest. Then after a few minutes she went quiet, I looked at her closely and saw that she was fast asleep. I turned off the TV and layed still, I listened to Sarv's light breathing and her little sighs she does in her sleep. "I love you Sarv and I'll always be there for you" I said kissing her on the head.

A//N: sorry for the short chapter, I didn't know what else to write also thanks so much for 1k reads!!!!

the nun and the runaway crimal  ruv x sarvTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang