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Third pov :

The funeral was hell for everyone, especially Hyunjin. All Felix's loved ones were there. His parents,Chan, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, hi cousin Minho and even Changbin and other kids from their school.

They were in tears too. His body was right there yet they still couldn't believe that he was gone.

"Would anyone wanna give a last speech before we say goodbye?"

"I do" Hyunjin raised his hand and walked over to the podium.
Grabbed all his courage and started talking.

"Felix, was a very bubbly person who loved to make other people happy. But what a lot of you don't know is that...he was fighting his own battles, he struggled with so many things. So I tried my best to make him happy, and I did. We were so...so...happy..."

"I love him very much, and I always will. I just really wish I got to say goodbye, because If I knew he would eventually have to leave, I would have said all the things i've wanted to say from the day I met him. But Felix...if you're listening, if you can here me...
I love you forever...and we'll meet again in the future, that's a promise baby."

The boy who was on the verge of tears finally broke down. He looked at Felix through the glass coffin and started crying hysterically. He couldn't stop, even when they took the coffin away, he didn't wanna let go. Chan had to hold him back.

After hours of trying to calm the poor boy down, he finally did. But he wasn't okay at all. He looked like a wreck. And emotionless look was plastered on his face, his eyes all red and puffy from the crying.

The other boys found it heartbreaking seeing Hyunjin like this. Jeongin even cried again. But soon it was all over, the funeral was done.
Felix was really gone...

time skip***

Hyunjin's pov :


3005 likesIt's been a whole month without you baby

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It's been a whole month without you baby. I'm doing better, but I still miss you a lot, wish you never left. I hope you're happy up there! We'll meet again soon!

@hnjsng - i miss you bestfriend :(
@jungwxo - WE MISS YOU FELIX <3
@innie - come back hyung 🤧

I smiled at the lovely comments people left for Felix. To be honest now that he's gone, I'm not quite sure what to do with my life. I don't think I could ever love someone as much as I loved him.

"Baby..." I said as I was sitting by his gravestone.

"I miss you...alot"

"I promise to live for you, I won't give up"

I smiled and looked up at the sky.

"Ah I almost forgot, I got you strawberry milk and sushi! Too bad i'm the only one who could actually eat it" I chuckled.

"Anyways, I have to go to class now. I promise to visit when I can"

Then a yellow butterfly suddenly came flying nearby. And it landed on my chest. It's color was of the color of Felix's hair. It stayed on my chest, where he used to cuddle me, where he'd fall asleep. Gosh I missed that.

"I'm guessing this is Felix?" I chuckled at my own comment.

"I missed you a lot baby, I would've liked to see as you were but a butterfly is fine too. It's beautiful, just like you." I said.

"I really have to go now..."

I stood up, and left the milk and sushi. Just incase he comes back, he won't feel like he was forgotten.

The end...


hi! this was my first story and i have to admit, i'm not very proud of it as i made the ending in a bit of a rush. but i'm glad to see so many positive reviews on it and i'm so grateful to all of you readers! i have more stories up on my page and i would really appreciate it if you'd go check them out! thank you so much!!

- a/n

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