Chapter 2

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Hyunjin's pov :

"Baby why the hell were you not answering my calls?" Aera said as she clinged on to my arm.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"I was busy, I was literally gone for just an hour"

"How do I know you're not cheating on me? Huh? I could break up with you!"

I scoffed and said what i've always wanted to.

"Maybe I am? So I guess it's over between us" I was about to walk away when she pulled my arm and hugged me.

"No baby don't leave me, I didn't do anything wrong" She pleaded. I was not buying it though.

I've tried to break up with her multiple times already. Now i've decided to end it for real. I used to care about her, I used to actually like her. But now it's all just annoyance.

I headed back to class like nothing happened and sat behind Felix. He was looking a little down lately.

"Pst" I hissed which made him turn his head towards me.
"You ok? You seem upset"

He suddenly gave me a huge smile.
"Silly i'm not! I'm happy, as usual" which seemed like a lie.

I nodded before turning back to the board, I tried to figure out what the hell our professor was writing. But It was honestly too hard.

Felix's pov :

⚠️ tw : su*cidal thoughts

I was a little dull today, simply because I felt dull. I felt hopeless. I felt like everyday was gonna be the exact same.

After class I went to the rooftop to relax, and get my mind off things. I kept walking and walking until I reached the edge. I looked over to see everything below me. It was so tempting to just jump.

But I told myself not yet lix.

Maybe, just maybe things will get better for me.

I saw Jisung and Jeongin together at the gate. They waved to me gesturing for me to go there, so I approached them.

"Baby!!!" Jisung said pulling me into a hug.

"I haven't seen you all day! I missed you" He fake pouted and I giggled because of how silly he looked.

"I missed you too my twin" I said back.

"Hey Hyung!!" Jeongin greeted me. I hugged him when I noticed someone standing behind him, facing the opposite direction. He turned around and I saw who it was. It was Seungmin.
I looked at Jeongin in confusion.

"Ah hyung I forgot to tell you, I'm dating Seungmin!" He said with a bright smile on his face grabbing Seungmin's hand and held it.

I however was crushed on the inside. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I wanted to cry, but instead I smiled to Jeongin. I wanted to show him that I was happy for him.

"Omg! I'm happy for you Innie!" I pulled him into a hug and looked at Seungmin. He smiled at me and I smiled back. My heart was even more shattered than before.

"Thank you Hyung! It's time for the school's happy pill to get a happy pill of his own!" He took my hand and smirked at me. I playfully hit him in the arm, pretending like I was alright. The happy pill I wanted is now someone else's...

Third person's pov :

Felix couldn't wait to get home and cry into his pillow. So he waved goodbye to his friends and drove home.

He walked in the door to find his parents shouting and yelling at each other. They looked over to see Felix just staring at them in shock.

"Mom, Dad, what's going on. Why are you yelling at each other" His parents stayed silent for awhile before his mom came closer.

"You're dad Felix. He's a cheater, he cheated on me" and she proceeded to cry.

Felix stared at his dad with shocked eyes. "Dad how long?!" He said as he angrily came closer to his dad.


"I said HOW LONG!!" Everyone in the house was shocked with Felix's sudden outburst. He had never ever reacted like this to anything or anyone. Specially to his parents.

"3 months..." Mr. lee felt so ashamed of himself. Only now was he regretting everything, when he realized how upset his son was.

"Dad why would you do this to me and mom?" Felix couldn't hold back his tears as he said that. His father just stayed silent, still ashamed of himself.

The younger quickly followed his mom who has gone up to their room.

Knock knock***

Before his mom got the chance to answer, he barged into the door and pulled his mom in a hug. They both cried for awhile.

"Mom, leave dad" She just looked up at him.

"We can manage mom, the company was yours to begin with anyways" Felix added.

His mom just took his hand and started stroking his hair.

"Honey I can't divorce, we can't leave him. "

"What do you mean"

"It'll look bad, our parents could never let us get a divorce"

Felix looked at his mom in disbelief. So him and his mom was gonna have to live with a cheater? Is what he said in his mind. He was absolutely crushed and ran out the room into his own.

He plopped himself on his bed and started crying. He started crying because he felt helpless and pathetic.

"Why is my life like this, I feel like I can't do it anymore" he cried out. Suddenly, his thoughts earlier on the rooftop started popping up on his head.

"Maybe it's time...I deserve to feel at peace"
Felix then cried himself to sleep.

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