I explored his mouth not leaving any corner.. He soon gave into the kiss as he wrapped his hands around my neck deepening the kiss as he moaned into it. I made my way to his neck.. He tilted his head giving me more access.

I let go of him only to free us from the shirts we were wearing.. I did not care to remove the buttons.. just pulled them off.. I took both his nipples into my hands and started pressing them while kissing him roughly while biting his lower lip now and then. 

Then I made my way to his nipples and licked them alternatively. After being satisfied.. I looked at Kong's face.. he has been moaning my name.. asking me to stop teasing him.. he had lust in his eyes but his face was red.. I leaned near his ear.. 

"Do you want me to continue or stop Sweetheart.?" I whispered near his ear.
"Continue.." He said with a raspy voice.
"Plead me love." I whispered and nibbled his ear lobe. He was panting and holding his moan to speak.
"P.. please.. please take me.. please do me.. please P'Oon." He pleaded me. I let his ear go.. I took out the condemn and lube.. 

"Apply them to my fingers honey.." I said and he did it immediately.. 

I inserted my first finger and started moving it while I kissed him trying to distract.. After few minutes.. I inserted the second while kissing his jawline and neck.. and soon added the third.. He gripped the bedsheet to hold himself.. When I felt he is ready to take mine in... I positioned myself in between his legs.. 

This time.. he himself took the lube and condemn and put them on mine.. although he was feeling shy. I inserted into him.. and pushed it in while kissing him.. he gripped the bedsheet as I let him adjust. I started thrusting him slowly at first... 

"P.. faster.." He pleaded in between moaning.. so I slowing increased my pace.. making it faster and rough..
"You still tight love.." I said while moaning like him.. 
"P.. hit me Ah.. there again... harder.. please P.. Ah.. There" He kept on moaning.. 
"Love you are amazing.. Ah.." I also moaned.

I removed mine out after I came.. I laid down beside him trying to relax.. but his hand brushed my little on down there.. making it alive again..
"P you Perv.. get lost no more." He said as he felt my harden..
"I am not letting you go sweetheart.. I am going to rip you off today.. I told you right you won't walk tomorrow." I said and pounced on him again.. Although he tried to hard to get free... but soon gave in and started pleading me.

Safe to Read

I don't know how many time we did.. but I stopped when he gave in to the tiredness and slept.. I cleaned both of us.. then dressed us up and then changed the bedsheets without waking Kong up. I then went to sleep beside him spooning him.

Next day.. I woke up before Kong.. He must have been completely drained. I remember our friends telling that they would be here by around 10 and now it was already 8:30.. I slowly got up and got ready.. After that I bought us breakfast and drinks. 

I prepared a warm bath for Kong and arranged the cream and medicine. Then I decided to wake him up. I laid down beside him and blew his ear.. He moved his face more nearer to mine.. I ran my fingers through his hair and called him.

"Mee Noi.. wake up.. it is already 9.." I whispered. 
"P.. you don't love me anymore.?" He murmured with his eyes closed.
"Ah.? What is with that question.. obviously.. I love you a lot." I replied.
"Then Lemme sleep for some more time.." He said wrapping his hand around my waist and snuggling into my chest. He was damn cute.. I placed a kiss on his forehead.

After 5 more minutes I decided to wake him up.. because he would whine a lot if his friends come and tease him.
"Love.. our friends are going to come here in another 30minutes.. wake and take up sweetheart." I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes.
"Good morning Sweets." I wished.
"Morning P.." He tried getting up but sat back wincing in pain. I immediately supported him.

"Today my Moon is going to take rest and not leave the bed.. his Sun would do everything." I said and lifted him up in bridal style. I supported him while he brushed the teeth. I checked if the bath was still warm and then let him take bath. I also gave him the ointment.

He came out after taking his bath.. I went and lifted him up again.
"P.. I can walk.. put me down." He said as I lifted him. He wrapped his hands around me.
"I know.. but I won't let you.. Now let me pamper my moon." I said and made him sit on the bed.. I arranged a table so that we can have our breakfast. I made him take the tablet. I arranged his material near him. 

"P.. I need my laptop.. I will look into some projects and other planning regarding the steps we will be taking." He said. 
"Okay Sweet.. Let me get it." I said and bought the laptop. I arranged the books which I need. 

Our friends came exactly at 10. Kong and his friends sat on the bed.. Kong was helping them while working on the projects and other details. I and my friends sat around the table while studying. 

It was soon lunch time and seems like our Nong's have a lot more of work to do.. so we decided to get the lunch to the room.. which is actually good so that Kong can take rest.

"P'Bright.. we did not forget our task you." Em and Kong reminded as we were about to go. All of us laughed seeing Bright sulking.
"I will get." He said.
"Haha.. I am happy.. This is kind of revenge to see you get you food P.. don't worry we will give signature." Tew and Oak teased Bright making all of us laugh. We remember Bright ordering them to get food as a task to give signature. Bright was about to launch on them but stopped listening to Kong.
"P'Bright.. if food doesn't come in 15 minutes.. you will have to buy food for two more days." Kong said.. Bright's eyes widened and he rushed out to get food leaving us laughing.

"Kong you are such a tease." Tay said.
"Not any less then your boyfriend P.. but you will also have such tasks in future don't worry." Kong said and shrugged his shoulders. Except of Tay and Em who were blushing.. all of us laughed. After that we went out to get the food.

We had our lunch and carried out with our works. Kong had to make some calls and even attended a meeting via video call. The day ended well.. we are all set to attend university from tomorrow

Kong's POV

The next day at university went normal.. Everyone were treating us like how they used to be.. not too sweet.. not too arrogant.. they were neutral like ever.. and those who are close to me are still close to me. I was enjoying my days to the fullest.. The hazing training also went well. We were given good to go signal.

A month before wedding.. I remembered that they should have a honeymoon.. I discussed with All the elders and P'Oon about it.. they were okay with me giving it as their wedding present.. So I immediately made arrangements.. I chose Hawaii for P'Lina and P'Kiet while for P'Tina and P'Ara.. I chose Maldives. I booked the hotel and also a guide to them for a couple of days to show them around and made sure that his job can be extended based on the requirement.

The days went on.. since the marriage was only 2 weeks away.. I decided to take over the overseas branch control till then and let them prepare for their marriage. I made sure that I would visit the company every Monday and Friday as well as every free time I get. But I made sure to interact with the staff and the department head over there everyday virtually. I am glad that they were understanding and supporting.

Pa and Ma even arranged suits for me, P'Oon and P'Gun which we will be wearing on the day of marriage. All of us took a leave for four days.. so that we can go and look after the last moment arrangements.. along with relaxing my ever nervous sisters when it comes to P'Aran and P'Kiet.

I days were practically running was what I felt because within a day.. it was their wedding day tomorrow and here I am spending the last night with my sisters before their marriage.

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