Day 1 at the office

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It was the first day to work after that accident. Everyone were pretty much working hard to bring back the company and its infrastructure back to normal. And moreover their new CEO was arriving to visit the building today.

Even the class D workers were doing their best moving everything and making the interior flashing.

But here stood me, who wasn't even a tiny bit interested to make the company look like anything welcoming.

Rather I had second thoughts of messing things up and creating more havoc. Just as my mind cooked plans Jimin breathed from behind me.

"No dirty tricks!" He slit his eyes and sung it.

I scoffed and shot my elbow at his torso making him hop behind.

But for some reason I also wanted to see him. I wanted him to stand in front of my eyes. Not because I can run and fall in his arms but so that I can slap him as hard as I ever can and kick his balls out.


That's when a gently stroking warm hand slid through my fists and made me relax. I knew it the moment his breath touched me I could tell who the owner was.

His face came closer to mine and whispered near my ear,
"I'm here with you. Don't worry about anyone or anything"

His breath brushed my ear giving chills down my spine and pulling a smile at the corner of my lips.

"I know" I mouthed silently and went ahead inside my cabin.

It was half past 10. He was supposed to arrive at 9:45.

"Always late" I scolded but quickly acted relaxed when I met Taehyung's eyes look at me.

Holding a bouquet in my hand I stood behind my senior in the company to receive him. He asked me to follow him until the welcoming ceremony was over.

So I couldn't be with Taehyung much. He stood far with Jimin who constantly double fisted in air and cheered for me.

I smiled quietly at him and my eyes naturally trailed to the most attractive face in the entire company. His eyes slits and his faint smiling lips caught my attention. I couldn't lift off my gaze until my senior ran excitedly towards the entrance.

I ran after him huddling in confusion for a few seconds until my eyes fell on the long limousine that strolled its way through our entrance.

The car was stunning black and its length was longer than our entire building entrance.

The car pulled correctly where the door halted exactly in front of our gates.

The door opened by our guard and the man who unboarded even more stunning than the car. He wore a black suit with a thin neck tie, bangs half down his pale shining forehead and his shades the classy look it adhered made him glow like a star.

I stood transfixed my jaw dropped at his awesome looks and aura.

I hadn't realised my senior had been looking at me, rather, glaring at me because I had the bouquet. He had asked me to give it to him the moment the CEO arrives.

I quickly dragged myself back and lowered my head apologetically. I handed the bouquet to my senior and without another look at a certain someone I walked back and stood as one among the crowd.

He stood in front of us and looked at us. His shades prevented from showing whom exactly he was looking at.

My senior handed the flowers with a wide smile plastered on his face.

He showed his hand and gestured him to wait. He scanned through the crowd and pointed at someone through me.

I looked around and left to right to confirm whom he was pointing at.

He put his finger out more far and more specific towards me.

My co-workers got excited and pushed me ahead.

"Me?" I asked in disbelief.

He didn't speak but pointed at me like he was poking my face.

I walked silently to him, virtually screaming, I had to hold in all the pent up emotions now so that I don't create a scene. But trust me it was hard.

He gestured my senior to hand over the flowers to me. He did as he was instructed and stepped back, still his face showing the slightest shock and disappointment.

"I would like to be welcomed personally by Miss....uh" he leaned to me "what's your name Miss?"

My eyes burned him with rage, I tried hard not to crush the flowers in my trembling hands of fury. I gritted my teeth with every word I let out,

"Lee. Jisun."

"Ah yes, Miss Lee Jisun"

And gestured me to hand the flowers to him.

Despite I crushing it hard near its stalk I slowly pushed my hands in his direction. He smiled and held it but along with my hand.

His grip got firmer and firmer as I tried to pull my hand out.

"Leave" I mouthed the words only for him to see, making him release my hand with a dirty smirk playing on his face.

The moment I freed my hands I swiftly strode past the crowd. As I passed them I could hear a few voices speak,

"Did you see that?"

"Yeah he seems to be interested in her"

"Maybe he knows her"

"No she must have seduced him before hand to make it smooth"

"Oh could be yes"

"I even saw them holding hands now"

I simply stood for a brief moment and glared at them furiously making them shut up and marched right inside.

Third person pov

Taehyung watched all this from afar. His hands growing into a fist and trembling with rage when he saw Jungkook hold Jisun's hands.

Jimin cupped his hand and claimed him down.

He yanked his hands off him and followed Jisun who ran upstairs looking quite distressed.

He was worried about how she managed to overcome all Jungkook had done but now everything just turned it to square one.

He searched the entire floor for her but couldn't find her anywhere. Just as he crossed their burnt canteen zone to upstairs, he noticed a familiar scent smell.

Following the familiar smell he went upto the terrace and saw that she stood facing the other side with arms crossed in front.

He went up to her and heaved a  Sighed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything out there...when he"

"It's fine Taehyung" she cut him off abruptly "I guess I know what to do"

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll resign this job"

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