Chapter 19

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Waking up next to the person you love. It must be the best feeling in the world and Harry is experiencing it right now. Louis' lips that are slightly parted, silent snores, his hair messy and his arms still around Harry's body.

He is an angel.

It's quite early and Harry doesn't want to wake up his love, but there is no way that he is getting out of his grip without having to.

So he chooses for the sweet and soft wake up call, kissing Louis' forehead and stroking his hair. Small noises are leaving the smaller lad's mouth but his eyes remain closed.

"Baby, I need to. I have to go to London." Harry's voice is soft. He knows how Louis can react in mornings and let's say he doesn't want that to happen.

"Mm, what time is it." And that is a reminder for Harry how hot Louis' morning voice is, all low and cracking.

"Almost 8."

"What the fuck, Harry. Let me sleep you bastard." Louis groans and puts his arms away to grab his pillow and put it over his head.

"Yeah, you can sleep. I'm going to take a shower and leave okay?"

"No!" Louis rolls over to Harry and kisses his neck. "I want to cuddle. Why are you even going this early?"

"The sooner I go, the sooner I'm back. I'd like to be back for dinner."

Louis nods and opens his eyes for the first time, looking into Harry's green ones.

"What do you want for dinner? I'll ask mom to fix it."

"Doesn't really matter, my love."

"I should wake up as well so I have more time to spend with Lots. I think I'm going to take her out for breakfast now that I'm awake, go shopping, have lunch, some more shopping and then the movies. I should be back around six if we catch the three o clock movie."

"I'll try to be back at that time as well. I'm going to have lunch with Josh, hang out a bit and I'll try to take the train back at 3."

"Mm, I'm going to miss you." Louis pecks Harry's lips and rests his head again on top of Harry's chest.

"Me too, baby. But you are going to have a nice day with your sister. But now I really have to go shower or I will miss my train."

"Can I shower with you?" Louis' chin rests on Harry's chest and he is looking up at his boyfriend.

"If you want to, my love. You know you don't have to. I'll never force you into doing something."

"I know. I'm not going to suck your dick, Harry. I'm going to wash my body under the same water as you do." Louis jokes.

And Harry laughs so hard. He loves it when Louis is sassy. When Louis is sassy that means that he is happy. And when Louis is happy, Harry is as well.


Louis is driving the car, insisting to drop Harry off at the train station. Lottie is in the back texting her friends. The siblings are going from the train station to their favourite breakfast place.

"Are you waiting in the car? I'm walking Harry to his platform." Louis asks his sister.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm waiting here."

"It's fine, Lou. I can just..."

"I'm walking you to your platform." Louis interrupts his boyfriend, putting his hand around Harry's waist to make his point clear. "Did you buy your ticket online? Which platform do you have to go to?"


"Okay, that's this way."

They wait for about seven minutes until they see the train coming.

"Have a safe journey my love, okay. Text me when you arrived in London, when you are on the train back and when you have arrived here okay? I'll pick you up again."

"Thanks, babe. Enjoy your day with Lottie."

They share a quick peck before Harry walks into the train, waving at Louis from the big windows when he has taken place, a big smile plastered on his face. He is so whipped.

Harry takes a book out of his bag to entertain himself during the ride. He doesn't want to waste his phone battery. He can't be without battery, having to be reachable for Louis every single second.

And after ten minutes the train stops for the first time, a lot of people stepping on. Harry doesn't look up, only when he hears his name.

"Harry, Harry is that you?"

The curly boy looks up, only to look right into a pair of brown eyes.


"How are you, mate?" Liam takes place in front of Harry, putting his bag next to him on the other seat.

"I'm doing amazing actually, what about you? Going to London as well?"

"Yeah, I'm going to visit my girlfriend for a few days. What about you? I haven't heard you in like two years. What are you doing here? Did you come from Doncaster? Are you still with Louis?"

"Back with him." Harry smiles. He wishes it was still though.

"Oh that's amazing! You two do make an amazing couple. How is he doing? I haven't seen him since graduation and it was only shortly, didn't leave Zayn's side."

"Now that we found each other back things are good again. What can I say, Li? We're better together."

"You two are definitely. I'm glad you two are doing fine. So what are you going to do in London?"

"Forgot something." Harry explains. "I'll be going back to Doncaster in the afternoon already though. Can't be separated from Lou anymore for longer than that." Harry jokes. It's not a joke though.

"Are you staying here in England?" Liam asks.

"Yes, planning to stay here. I'm finishing university this year if everything goes as planned. Then I hope to find a nice place for Lou and I to live, you know, starting the adult life together."

"That's so good, Harry. My girlfriend studies in London as well. I'm in up in Manchester so it is hard sometimes the long distance but we are doing alright. Now I'm going for five days to London, she comes five days to Doncaster and then she has classes again."

"You don't?" Harry asks.

Liam shakes his head.

"No, it's a week where people can still do their internship somewhere, but I finished mine so it's like an extra week off."

"You should go to Mallorca with us. We're going to my holiday home. It's really big fancy, not to brag, but you should join us. Louis, Zayn and Perrie are coming as well, and a bunch other friends. You're invited. It could be nice. Lou and I have to work on our project as well, but we'll have relaxing time as well. You can maybe even be in one of Lou's videoclip. I have one in mind where I need a lot of people."

"That sounds actually really cool. Yeah, I'll come why not. Is there enough space for me though?"

"There are like a few double beds and like 3 couches. There is a spot for you, for sure don't worry."

And both boys talk for the full two hours, catching up about their lives until they arrive in London.

"I'll send you the details for Mallorca when I'm back home." Harry smiles.

"That's great. It was nice catching up, Harry. I'll see you in about ten days then."

"See you!" Harry waves at the tall lad and disappears. He walks over to a taxi, asking to drive him to his old flat.

Time to finish some business. 

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