Chapter 8

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"I can't believe that twink was here!" Nick snaps when Louis has left. "Harry, there is no reason for him to be here. Remember what he did?"

"I don't need your judgement. I'm a forgiving person. I forgave you as well, didn't I?" Harry crosses his arms, looking at the lad who is still standing in his doorpost.

"You still haven't forgiven me."

"I did forgive you when you broke my heart. What do you expect? Forgiveness just because you found me a flat here? You still sent around the naked picture from my boyfriend. I have forgiven you once, I'll never forgive you for doing that. We're not friends, Nick. Your father is just my landlord and you are watching this place until I'm back."

"Still, you shouldn't hang around with Louis."

"I do whatever I want. And actually that is exactly what I'm going to do now. I need to explain to him that no, I'm not friends with the monster that spread his picture." Harry walks over to the table and grabs his set of keys.

"You are playing hard to get again, Harry. You want me here and you know it."

Harry rolls his eyes, checking if his phone still has enough battery.

"Yup." Harry says popping the P. "That's exactly why I always invite you over when I'm gone."

"I see you are hanging around with Louis again. Starting to get sassy. That's so not you, Harry."

"You don't know me. We don't talk. Anyway, I'm out of here."

"What's that bag in your hand, Harry?" Nick points at the backpack.

"I'm sleeping over at Louis' if he lets me. If not, I'm staying with Josh."


Harry has been knocking on Louis' door for twenty minutes straight. He knows he is in there. The light comes from under the door and he hears something, not really sure exactly what the sound is. It might be water.

"Louis, Louis open up! We need to talk!" Harry screams, knocking on the door again.

No response.

"I'm worried, Lou please at least say something. I get that you are upset, but it is really not what it seems like! I would never do that to you."

No response.

Harry sighs. He takes his phone out of his pocket and texts the one person that he knows that Louis trusts.

Lou is at home and he doesn't open the door or anything. I'm quite worried about him. He left my place in a kind of state let's say. -H

I have a spare key, coming over. -P

And it takes around five to ten minutes for a blond girl to arrive in front of Louis' door, silver key in her hand.

"Hey Harry. What's wrong?" Perrie gives him a worried look before she opens the door.

"I'll explain later, I just really want to check up on Lou."

Louis has been traumatized because of the naked picture and seeing the person that did this to you must be hard. If Harry knew that Nick would come early, he would have made sure that they'd meet up in Louis' flat.

"Louis? Lou?" Harry screams around the flat. He goes to the bathroom, hearing noises coming from there.

The bathroom door is open, giving a perfect view on the older boy.

He is sitting down in the shower, clothes glued on his body as the water falls on top of him. He is hugging his knees and his head is resting on them.

"Oh my god, Louis!" Perrie exclaims. She runs into the bathroom, turning off the shower. Louis doesn't really move.

Seeing him again brought it all up. When Louis came home he just threw up, feeling so disgusted. He didn't want to feel it. He didn't want to feel Nick's hand on his body, it was disgusting.

Harry looks at the boy in front of him. He walks up, wanting to help him to stand up. But when he touches Louis, the smaller guy flinches. It breaks Harry's heart.

"Don't touch me, please." Louis' voice is hoarse and broken. He doesn't want to feel Harry's touch because he is still close with him. He doesn't want anyone or anything that was near him close to himself.

"Lou, it's me, Harry." Harry looks at the boy, connecting his green eyes with the blue pair.

"I know. Perrie, please make him go." Louis looks at the floor as he speaks the word.

His heart was already broken. It has been for two years. But knowing that Harry and Nick are still fine has crashed Louis' heart.

Harry is fine with the person that had bullied Louis since he arrived there. He is friends or even more with the boy that sent his naked picture around. He is close to the person that assaulted him." And maybe Harry wasn't aware from the last event, he certainly was from the first two.

Stupid, thinking that Harry would care.

"Louis, you don't mean that. Look, Nick and I aren't friends or anything. I won't do that to you. Louis I would never hurt you."

And Perrie knows that this is the time for her to leave the bathroom. Because she sees Louis' face, and she hears a humourless laugh coming out of his mouth. They are going to have the talk, but not in the way Perrie would have hoped they had.

"I'm making some tea." The blond whispers, quickly removing herself from the situation.

"Never hurt me, huh?" Louis is still sitting down, and he looks up at the boy standing in front of him.


"Then why did you decide to not care about me? Why didn't you fight for us? Harry, why did you stop loving me?"

Loud sobs are leaving Louis' mouth and his vision is blurry from the tears. He hopes that he will finally have the answers, although they will probably hurt him even more.

"Stop loving you? Are you serious? You have the audacity to ask me that?" Harry snaps. How could Louis even have the guts to ask this? He can't be serious.

"Louis, you are the one that left me."

"You know very well that it wasn't just that. I can't believe that you are all blaming this on me." Louis wants to stand up but he feels to weak. He is overloaded with emotions. Harry is blaming this on him. How is I don't want to break up with you, I love you leaving him? How???

"Actually, yes Louis, our break up is all on you. You just left me. You just took the plane without even discussing anything. Easy way out, like you always do. Where was the respect towards me? You broke my heart, Louis." Tears are falling down from Harry's face as well now.

"Go away."

"No, Louis we have to talk this out."

"I said, go away." Louis' voice sounds threatening, it sends chills over Harry's spine.

"Why? No plane tickets left to leave yourself. Whatever, Louis. If you don't want to talk this out, I'm gone. I'll see you on Saturday."

"No, you are not going to Doncaster with me." Louis shakes his head. He doesn't want Harry near him. The taller boy has broken his heart all over again.

"Don't really have a choice, do we? We need to finish that bloody project. But don't worry, Louis. I'm used to live with you while you hate me and are a complete dick. I can handle it a second time."

A pang goes through Louis' heart. Can he please just stop hurting him, please?


This time Harry doesn't say anything back. He just walks out of the apartment, ignoring Perrie who gives him a questioning look.

He is quite sure he has lost him again. 

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