Chapter 12

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Like this I did post twice today and I have seven minutes to spare (it's 23:53 in Belgium :) ) 

Like Harry had promised, Louis wakes up when they are at his house. A smile creeps on his face. Not only because he sees the familiar building in front of him, but also the storm has stopped and he is lying in Harry's arms.

Louis gets out of the car, takes his suitcase and runs towards the door. Jay, who recognised Zayn's car, is waiting in the doorpost, waiting for her boy. She hugs him tightly and Louis' body is warming up. He is such a momma's boy.

"Oh, Louis. I missed you so much." Jay kisser her son on the forehead. "Lottie is waiting inside, dying to see you."

Louis doesn't need to hear more. He has missed that little monster so much even though they almost called every day.

Harry is really nervous. Jay had always loved him but that was before the break up and Harry has no idea how the woman is thinking about him now. He had broken her son's heart, not intentionally, but she doesn't know that.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug, Harry? It has been three years!" Jay opens her arms to the American boy and Harry drops his bag, falling into her arms as he starts sobbing. All the emotions are leaving his body. Nick's betrayal, the break up that he never wanted, Louis being angry with him, missing Jay. It's all a bit too much for Harry and the older woman just feels like a second mom to him.

"Why are you crying, boy?" Jay wipes a tear from Harry's cheek.

"I'm just glad you don't hate me." Harry says looking at the ground. "I honestly couldn't live with myself if you hated me."

"Oh, Harry I'll never hate you." Jay coos. "You're alright, hey. I saw you arriving. Lou was sleeping on you, wasn't he. If he still trusts you, I do." The woman smiles.

"He doesn't, though." Harry doesn't know why, but he has always seen Jay as a person he can trust. She feels like his own mother, like the second parent he actually never really had.

"If he doesn't trust you then he won't lie down on you Harry and you know that. You know my son better than I do."

"It's been three years. I don't think I still know him I mean... He probably has changed."

Jay nods, taking the suitcase from the street and putting it in the hallway.

"He has, yeah, but not that much that you can't read him anymore. You'll always be able to read him. I'm a mother, Harry. I see and I know certain things, not only in my son's eyes. And as much as I want to interview you about what happened in the past, I know that's not the thing you want to talk about. We'll do that later, don't think you will escape, but for now I made you tea and baked some cookies. Fancy that?"

Harry gives her a thankful smile and nods. He loves Jay so much.

Harry walks into the living room. He doesn't say a word, he just admires the boy that he loves talking to his sister. Louis and Lottie have always been close and seeing that they are even closer now warms Harry's heart.

Louis looks up at Harry, sensing his present.

"You can sit on the couch." He says, giving Harry a small smiles.

Lottie turns around, her happy eyes turning angry withing seconds.

"I told you not to bring him here, Louis. Are you stupid?" Lottie hisses. "He broke your heart. You have been crying for... What am I even saying hell you are still crying over him." Lottie turns from Louis to Harry.

"And you also have the audacity to just come here, thinking you can walk back in our lives like it's normal after what you have done to my brother. Are you acting stupid or are you just stupid?"

That stings.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." Harry stutters, feeling really uncomfortable. The warming welcome from Jay is cooled down by her daughter.

"Lottie, stop. He hasn't done anything to you." Louis snaps.

"Not to me, but he did to you. Louis you didn't eat for like..."

"Stop it!" Louis hisses, not wanting his sister to talk more about how Louis was after he came back. He really doesn't want Harry to hear the bullshit he has put him through.

"I'm not going to stop. I hate him and you should too." Lottie crosses her arms.

It makes Harry's heart sink. Once upon a time he used to be so close to Lottie. He saw the girl as his little sister as well. That the now teenage girl hates him, hurts Harry so much.

"It's my business what happened between us Lottie and not yours. You shouldn't hate him for something that happened to me. This is between us, you don't know what happened okay? And I don't hate him. He has done a lot of good things for me too and it isn't that easy to forget." Louis defends Harry. He can't stand someone talking bad about the guy.

"Mom, do you agree to this?" Lottie hisses.

"To what, my dear?" Jay asks who comes from the kitchen with a tray filled with tea cups and biscuits.

"Harry being here. Mom, he broke Lou..."

"Charlotte Tomlinson you don't interfere in this. This is between your brother and Harry. Louis asked me if he could bring Harry and I agreed."

"Am I the only one in this fucking house with common sense? Ugh I'm out of here." Lottie throws the pillow away and storms off to her room, footsteps heard all over the house.

"I am so sorry. I should... She is right I shouldn't be here. I can look for a hotel..." Harry whispers.

"Don't..." Louis whispers. He really doesn't want Harry to go. He wants the boy close to him. It's comforting and hurting at the same time, but he needs it.

"Louis, I have enough money to pay for a room. It's okay, I don't want to bother you. I don't want to make any of you feel uncomfortable."

"You make me feel uncomfortable if you leave. Please don't." Louis looks at Harry with begging eyes and the American boy nods. He can't say no to his angel.

"I'll stay if that's what you want, Lou."

"I really want that, please."

Jay just sits down, watching the situation. A smile creeps on her face when she looks at the way the boys are looking at each other, craving the other's attention, not being able to be apart.

She sees Louis' eyes shining again when he listens to Harry talk, a small smile on his face and his cheeks tinted pink. She hasn't seen those shining eyes in three full years and the most beautiful part is that the green pair of the American boy are shining exactly the same way when he listens to her son. And Jay already had a hunch, but now she is sure.

Nothing has changed.

And if Louis wants to go back to the boy, Jay will completely support it. Because only a blind person can't see that those two boys belong together.

Jay only wants her son to be happy, and she knows that Harry is the key to that.

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