Chapter 3

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Their first meetingggggg

Louis can't stop looking into the mirror. Today is the day. He is going to actually talk to Harry and not just see him walking around in the hallway. They are going to interact. Louis has to look good. He is going to work with his ex, he needs to look breath taking, maybe even showing Harry what he has lost. Not that Harry actually will care, like, Louis has seen this boy that's always around him. Josh is a good looking lad and he is Harry's type. Louis has ruined his chance the second he got on that plane, little did he know Harry would never call. He always thought that Harry would love him enough to understand, to fight for them. He didn't and it still hurts Louis every single day.

But if Louis would ever have the chance, he'd take Harry back in a heartbeat. He'd forget about his broken heart, about all the tears he has shed over the American boy. He would do anything to feel safe again, and that's only in Harry's arms.

"Why the obsession with the mirror? Louis, put your bloody shoes on and let's go." Bebe throws a pair of black vans towards Louis.

"You are such a bitch." Louis mumbles when he puts on his shoes. He loves her though.

"We both know that you don't mean that. Now, let's go. I'm driving because it's going to rain and I have a good hair day."

Louis rolls his eyes, shaking his head.

"You are just lazy, admit it."

"Like you are not."

"Fair point."

"Stop trying to stall. We are going to be late, let's go Lou." Bebe grabs Louis' hand, dragging him out of the flat. Louis really doesn't want to go.


Louis and Bebe are in front of the aula. It's a big room and could perfectly fit almost the whole school. Okay, maybe not the whole school, but it is huge.

"Lewis, Bleta. Glad you guys are here. Look which number you have on the list, that's the spot you get to work with your partner." Mister Waldorf smiles. He likes to make jokes and he knows how much Louis hates it to be called Louis, and Bebe her real name.

"Thank you, Sir." Louis smiles politely, hiding the nerves inside his body. He walks up to the wall where he finds the list. Harry and him have number 28, great.

Louis walks over his desk, it's somewhere in the back. Bebe is sitting somewhere in the middle. Her partner is some girl with brown hair. She is really pretty. If Louis remembers well, her name is Danielle.

It's ten past nine and class started ten minutes ago. Harry is still not there and Louis really starts to get hope, his nerves disappearing. Maybe Harry just refuses to do this and then Louis is safed.

But that would mean that Harry doesn't want to see Louis again. The thought makes Louis' heart sink. He requested for another partner himself, but he would never just skip. Does Harry really hate him that much that he wants to risk his education?

Just when Louis is about to have a mental breakdown, a cheery voice can be heard over the whole room.

"I'm sorry we are late. This idiot here took ages to fix his curls." Josh laughs, his hand ruffling Harry's curls.

And Louis can't help but feel jealous. That's his mop of curls. Harry hates it when people touch his hair. Why does he let stupid Josh touch his hair? Yes, it's obvious. They are dating. He'd only let Louis touch his hair before.

"Josh, Harry please just go to your partner. You're number is on the list." The other teacher says annoyed. Louis doesn't know him, but he guesses it's Harry's photographer teacher or something.

Louis feels all the nerves come back again. He starts to chew on his pen and looks at the empty word document that's opened on his laptop. He is sure that his hands are shaking. He is going to have a panic attack.

Louis doesn't look, but he smells Harry coming his way. He is still using the same cologne and for some reason it brings Louis at ease. It feels trusted.

Harry takes place next to him, not saying a word. He is playing with his nails. So he is nervous. Should Louis be the first to speak?

Just when Louis is about to take all of his courage, he hears a deep voice talking to him.


It surprises Louis, and he throws the pen that he was playing with accidently into Harry's eye.


"Auw, fuck." Harry rubs his eye and Louis feels bad immediately. Way to go Tomlinson.

"I am so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to do that!" Louis panics, not really knowing what to do.

"Like hitting someone with a volleyball?"

Louis looks down ashamed. This is not how he imagined his first encounter with his ex to go. He wants to burry himself, this is so embarrassing.

"It is a joke Louis, relax." Harry gives him a warm smile, waking up the butterflies in Louis' stomach.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a bit nervous I guess..." Louis confesses.

"Me too." Harry agrees, deciding to be honest with Louis.

"Are you? You look confident though."

"I'm shitting my pants as we are speaking."

Louis chuckles and for the first time he allows himself to look at Harry.

He is wearing a purple oversized sweater, blue skinny jeans and his hair is up in a bun. He looks really cute. Louis has to contain himself from just jumping on Harry and do the koala.

"So, the project, huh." Louis scrapes his throat and moves his gaze from Harry to his empty document when he feels he is staring at his ex-lover.

"Yeah, the project. What did you have in mind? Like I really can't do anything without your songs."

"I know. We uh, we maybe should meet up to listen to my songs together, I don't know, if it isn't too awkward? So you know the melody, lyrics, you know..." Louis just starts typing random stuff, he doesn't even know what. He is just filling in the date, their names and the title of the assignment.

"Awkward or not, I don't think we really have a choice," Harry quickly corrects himself. They are not on nickname base... yet.

"Yeah, you are right. But we are adults. We can do this right?" Louis looks expectingly at Harry and the younger boy nods.

"Yeah, yeah we can do this. This is about our diploma. We're not letting the past get in between. So, when do you want to meet up?"

"Tomorrow? My flat?" Louis suggests.

Harry nods.

"Tomorrow is fine." 

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