Chapter 33 - The Showdown

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"I am Goddess Isabella McVeigh, Daughter of Diana and heir to the throne as Queen of the supernatural. I also happen to be the ascending moon goddess and I don't take kindly to you killing my creatures." I said coldly, narrowing my eyes at him and touching down about 50 yards away as I let my aura out.

I heard everyone gasp at the revelation just as my group broke through the trees, filing into formation around me.

Luke and Tyler stepped to either side of me defensively and glared at Torah making him laugh. "Oh really? And what are these? Your guard dogs?" he sneered mockingly as he mentioned to my mates.

"In a way... But you see...that's actually the problem.." I said as condescendingly as possible. "These two men right here," I said as I stepped away and motioned towards Luke and Tyler. "Are the future kings and partially who you're trying to dethrone. That also makes them my mates and they also don't take too kindly to someone putting their damn hands on me." I sneered before I glanced over my shoulder, making sure to make eye contact with Andrew. His eyes were wide and when he noticed me starting he froze and audibly gulped as he looked like he wanted to disappear.

I looked back towards Torah and smirked "oh! Something I forgot to mention!" I said deviously. "because they are my mates, that not only makes them kings.... But gods" I said spitefully, watching Torah's eyes widened in fear as realization dawned on him. I readied myself to attack and motioned to the boys to do the same as the group behind us hooted and hollered, getting ready to attack as everyone else just stared at us in shock.

"I will give you one chance," I said menacingly as I took a step closer to him. "Back down now and leave everyone alone or die here and now."

As I said that he threw his head back and laughed before it abruptly stopped and he growled viciously. "No, you have one chance. Bow to me or live to see everyone you love perish."

I conjured a long silver sword emblazoned with the royal crest on the blade. After a few seconds, I touched my fingers to it and smirked as it started to glow gold, tying my powers to the blade. I grinned up at him and swung my sword in an arch as I saw Luke and Tyler quickly conjure and enchant their own weapons.

I smirked up at Torah and spun my sword again, readying it. "I bow to no one" I snarled and charged towards him as everyone cried out and followed behind me.

Torah ran towards me and swiped me off my feet, sending me into the air. I threw my wings out and caught myself just in time to see my warriors arch their bows and start their barrage of silver-tipped arrows.

I didn't want them straight up attacking Torah head-on and putting themselves in danger, so we opted for a more distract and evade approach.

Torah growled deeply and snarled as he whipped around to face my warriors. Just as he was about to charge at them, they scattered and luke appeared from nowhere. He jumped up behind Torah and dug his claws into his back, sending him crashing to the dirt.

Luke quickly jumped off of him as Tyler grabbed him by the tail and hurled him towards me. I quickly created a forcefield around myself that I used to hit Torah and sent him crashing back to the ground with a loud thud.

I landed gently in front of luke and Tyler, throwing my sings back to retract them as we watched Torah. He remained unmoving for a moment before slowly getting to his feet. He looked furious as he threw his head back and roared.

All of a sudden we heard the sound of hundreds of footsteps, coming barreling through the forest. A few moments later shadow creatures emerged from the forest and gathered around Torah.

His eyes started to glow brighter before he charged at me once again, the shadow creatures running out to attack my warriors as well as anyone else they could. The field exploded as fights broke out all around us.

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