"Hey guys" I smiled, a little overwhelmed. I turned around to see if our bodyguard - who was standing at the entrance to the hotel -  was okay with me talking to them for a bit and he gave me a thumbs up.

"For how long have you guys been here?" I asked, taking pictures with all of them and signing some posters.

"Since last night" A girl with bleached hair said, smiling widely at me. "We just saw you like three times when you arrived, left and came here again"

"You guys are crazy!" I chuckled. "I'm sorry we don't have that much time to talk to you more. We have a lot of things to do, you know?"

"Yes, we understand! We just love you so much" Another girl said. 

"I love you so much Calum, you saved me so many times without even knowing who I am" A blonde girl said, her whole body was shaking and she started crying as soon as she finished her sentence. I couldn't hold myself back and hugged her tightly, stroking her back softly.

I talked to them for a whole while, answering some questions and I also followed a few of them on Twitter. (They're obsessed with Twitter, I always read through their tweets after I follow them and they always seem to freak out, it's adorable.)

There was something utterly satisfying about seeing fans. It made me so happy to see how much impact our music had and it was incredible that so many people liked us – even though we were the most awkward dorks in the music business. Well maybe not the most awkward, Niall was pretty awkward, too.

I made sure everyone got their photos and autographs and then I said goodbye to them. It was time to head back to the bar. The disappointed and angry feeling from earlier came back as quick as it left me when I thought about what had happened just half an hour ago.

I pressed my fingertips to my temples, trying to stop the endless thoughts in my head. I just really hoped that Michael and Freya were at the hotel bar and not in the room doing something else.

"Hey, there you are!" Michael grinned as I walked into the room. 

I decided to ignore him and Freya completely. I was scared of saying something stupid about them kissing, so I just remained silent.

"Where have you been Calum?", Ashton raises an eyebrow, sipping on his nearly empty cocktail.

"Met some fans outside" I mumbled, glad that my beer was still on the table. I chugged it down in one swig, coughing a little afterwards. That wasn't a good idea. I ordered another one anyways.

"Are you okay?" Luke chuckled, looking up from his notebook for once. I just waved him off, listening to what Freya was saying to Ashton.

"... and it was incredible! I literally cried when I was on my way home. I still can't believe I have Alex' guitar pick." She sighed heavily, her eyes shining while she was talking.

"You know, we're meeting them next week in L.A. to write some songs." Ashton smiled, still sipping on his now refilled cocktail.

"WHAT?" Freya looked at me, noticing that I was listening to their conversation. I just smiled, even though I was kind of mad at her. But her shocked expression was just too cute. "YOU'RE KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW AREN'T YOU?"

Luke started laughing and shook his head. "You're adorable! Didn't Carl tell you about it? We're meeting quite a few of nice musicians throughout the tour. They help us working on ideas for our new album which is going to drop in about a year."

"I think I'm going to pass out" She said, grabbing Michaels Tequila Sunrise out of his hands and taking a big sip from it. "I can't believe that I'm going to meet All Time Low."

"I wish you would have been this excited about touring with 5 Seconds of Summer." Luke laughed, winking at her. I saw her lips turn into a smile when he did that and it somehow made me very upset.

"I'm going to my room" I said, swallowing the rest of my beer. Still not a good idea, I felt very dizzy already.

They all stopped talking to look at me getting up from the table. Ashton shot me a confused look and Luke simply raised his eyebrows, as if in "Dude, whatever is going on, chill" but I couldn't stand Freya's talking and Michaels innocent smile. Not after I saw them kissing.

It took the dumb elevator ages to come down but I was too drunk to take the steps. I knew I'd fall down. I hated myself for getting drunk so easily, all it took was two beers and it started to tingle everywhere in my body. I also hated myself for being so jealous all the time. And I hated myself for having a crush on Freya.

"Calum?" But I hated Michael the most. "Calum what's up dude?"

"Fuck off" I hissed, swatting his hand away as he tried to grab my shoulder. 

"What's wrong? Did you drink too much? Did a fan turn you down when you wanted to take her to your room?" He chuckled. "Well I doubt that would happen, you're hot" He joked, but I didn't laugh.

"Just shut your stupid mouth Clifford!" I screamed, getting into the elevator , angrily trying to push the right button. Michael didn't get in like I thought he would. He just stood there looking confused.

"Just tell me what's wrong, man." He said, scratching his neck. He always did that when he was nervous.

The elevator started to close the door, but before the gap between us was completely closed, I looked at him and said: "There's a lot wrong about throwing yourself at Freya, Michael. You're such a fucked up person."

And before I could get any response, the door closed and I felt worse than ever before.


dun dun duuuuuuun, drama baby drama

Soooo, what do you think happened with Michael and Freya back in her room? 

I have so many cool things planned I'm so excited!! 

Thank you for reading this, I'm always happy about every single vote and comment, it motivates me a lot :-)

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