Chapter 32 - The Vision

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We broke apart and I looked around the room to see it completely empty. I giggled and started to walk towards the stairs, trapping Luke's hand in mine as I walked past so I could pull him with me.

As I descended the stairs, a wave of nausea washed over me causing my stomach to flip. I stopped walking and groaned holding my stomach "I need to run to the bathroom.... I don't feel so good" I huffed out as I got a hot flash and saliva started to form in my mouth. I swallowed it down and pushed Luke towards the doors outside "why done you do and get everyone warmed up and ill join you guys here soon" I rushed out as I smiled weakly.

Before he could respond, I turned around and bolted towards the bathroom door on the other side of the room. I barely made it to the toilet before everything in my stomach decided to make a reappearance.

Once I was sure there wasn't any more coming out I sat back off of my knees and grabbed some toilet paper. I wiped my eyes and my mouth before throwing the paper in the toilet and shakily getting don't feet. I steadied myself for a moment and sighed before I flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink.

I brushed my teeth to get the nasty taste out of my mouth and washed my hands. I went to dry my mouth with a towel and glanced back up at myself in the mirror. As I did, it felt like everything froze.

I leaned on the sink and looked closer as a light tingling sensation overtook my body and my eyes began to glow. They kept getting brighter until suddenly everything went dark.

After a few moments, the darkness in front of my eyes slowly lightened to show a horrific scene in front of me. The sun had just started to rise and the light hit the fields beside blood brood, illuminating hundreds of people decked out in armor and heavily armed.

At the other end stood a huge wolf-like creature that I could only assume was Torah. The group of warriors included every pack that I could think of and more I didn't even know about, each group was wearing the own clan's armor emblazoned with their group's crest.

As I watched, they all surged forward to attack Torah. He laughed loudly throwing his head back before he snarled and charged the group. He clawed through warrior after warrior as he was attacked from all sides but just kept going.

Every time he was hit it would start to heal almost immediately and it would enrage him even more as he started to be more vicious with his attacks. By this time the council had joined the fight and I could see spells being cast as others attacked him with everything they had.

As I watched everything unfold I heard my mother's angelic voice ring out in my head. "It's time my darling. Gather your troops and remember you are a goddess, Queen of the supernatural, you bow to no one. I love you my daughter, and good luck" she said determinedly as the darkness slowly started to form in front of my eyes once again.

When it cleared this time, I was standing back in the bathroom leaning on the sink as I looked at myself in the mirror. I slowly backed up from the mirror as my hand started to gently shake.

I turned around and bolted out of the door to the bathroom, running outside as I made my way towards the group of warriors, my friends, and mates. I was more focused on what was running through my mind and almost ran into Emma as I came up to the group.

I skidded to a stop right before I collided with her and frantically looked at everyone. "Izzy, what's wrong? You took a while in there and you look really pale." Emma said worriedly as she placed one hand on my shoulder and the other against my forehead, feeling my temperature.

Everyone turned to stare at me as I violently shook my head. "Then what is it is?" Emma asked anxiously, but I pulled back away from her as I shook my head. "It's time," I said determinedly as I look around at everyone.

I heard gasps and murmurs as I said that and my friends all looked shocked. "How do you know?" Seth asked quietly as he stepped towards me.

"When Luke and I left the stage I for a feeling like I was going to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. Once I was done, I brushed my teeth and went to wipe my face off when I noticed my eyes started glowing which made me freeze. They kept getting brighter until my vision cut out and when it came was like I was up above the fields beside blood brood looking down." I said loudly so everyone could hear.

"Wait why blood brood?" Lisa asked inquisitively and I just shoot my head. "I don't know but from what I saw, all of the other packs have gathered there and are getting ready to face off against Torah. It didn't look like it even phased him when they attacked, and it looked like they were being massacred. They need our everyone get ready and suit up." I yelled out determinedly. "We head out tonight to take that son a bitch down!"

As I finished everyone erupted into cheers around me and ran off to get suited up in their armor before we took off.

"Are you sure about this Izzy?" Lisa asked as she looked at me a little terrified. I smiled at her warmly " I am but if any of you guys want to stay behind and help hold down the fort here, it would be greatly appreciated" I said as I nudged her.

"Ohh I'll stay!" she spoke up quickly. "I'll take care of everything here, you guys go kick some ass," she said reassuringly as she looked at all of us. I nodded and headed off towards the armory with everyone else close behind me.

Torah wasn't going to win this one and I planned to make sure of it.

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