Chapter 10-C's & F's

Start from the beginning

But her toes were crammed. It was too tight.

Walking was going to be agony.

Searching the outside of the box for the size, she confirmed they were indeed her actual size but the fit was too tight, painfully so. She needed half a size to a full size larger to feel comfortable enough to walk in. Recently she experienced, depending on the style, she would have to size up or down.

Louboutin's were tricky to get right mainly because of the height of the heel's dramatic arch. The higher the heel, the roomier she needed. Plus, these shoes embellished in crystals were nearly a five inch heel. The other three pairs she owned were four inches and below. Not to mention, the higher the heel, the harder it was to walk in.

Hope's heart sank.

There was no way for her to exchange them now.

What was she going to do?

She couldn't very well disappoint him and choose another. He picked them out and expected her to wear them as a set. Hope couldn't let him down.

She would have to endure the pain and hope her ankles don't give out on her. Deciding the slip the other on, winching as she did so, and carefully stood. The right shoe was tighter than the left.

Maybe she could work them in for a few minutes and loosen them.

Before teaching her how to play poker, she and Sammy had spent the entire morning and afternoon practicing slow dancing in preparation for the ball. Standing, let alone dancing in the heels Zayn provided was going to prove challenging.

Every step she took was agonizing. She was sure to develop more than blisters before the night ended.

"Hope, you done in there?" Sammy hollered from the hallway.

Bracing the wall for support, Hope quickly hopped out of the heels, making a beeline to the bathroom. She was running behind. She was supposed to have already finished her shower and dried her hair for Sammy to begin styling before he took his own shower.

Sammy enters and stops his eyes going round and letting out a slow wolf whistle of appreciation.

"Hot damn, look at this ocean of beauty! Where'd this all come from?"

"Zayn. The shoes are too tight." Hope pointed out standing in the bathroom's doorway. "And too high."

Sammy frowns disapprovingly at her. "Don't ever diss the shoes. They're Louboutin's."

"I can barely walk in them. The other ones you chose were not this bad."

"Did you know red bottoms were originally made to be uncomfortable? The creator is known as the king of painful shoes. The man himself said it and I quote: 'It is not my job to create something comfortable'." Sammy collects the heels and inspects the heel. "These beauties run for three thousand dollars!"

"But how am I–"

He looked at her like she was crazy. "There's no way you're going to skip wearing them! Hoe's kill for these kinds of shoes! Besides, they match perfectly with the dress. You're gonna look like Cinderella herself! We were talking about the fairytale not that long ago and look at this!" Gesturing to the dress and shoes. "You're his Cinderella. This is a sign you two were meant to be! I don't say shit for the fuck of it! You wanna know what's the scary part that will make you shit yourself?"

Hope's eyes widened. "No."

He stares her directly in the eye. "I'm never wrong. Most things I claim usually come true. I call it the way I see it. It comes to me without knowing how. Maybe it's the psychologist in me, or maybe it's a gift. And if you don't believe me ask Camelia and Jasmine." Sammy sets the shoes beside the dress on the bed. "You will wear these. Tough it out. End of story."

His Hope [Zayn][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now