Ch. 1: Forgotten Treasure

Start from the beginning

Hakuno: Is it a good box?

Shopkeeper: I don't know nobody has gotten that box before. So the original thing my grandfather put in is something I don't even remember.

Hakuno: So it's not a new game console.

Shopkeeper: Okay here the box now let's see what's in it.

The dusty cardboard box is opened. Only to reveal that it contained another box. This one however was wooden and looked worse for wear. It had chipped corners and the design on it was faded.

Hakuno: I got junk!

Shopkeeper: Oh, I think my grandfather found this one day when it washed up onshore. He said it gave him a strange feeling like the kind you get when something's not safe.

Hakuno: Great now I have a cursed box. That lucky feeling I had was a lie.

Shopkeeper: Well enjoy your old box then and tell your friends.

Hakuno: It's not even good for decoration since it's all outdated and hideous looking. Well, I could regift it to someone or maybe I could give it to Mr. Kuzuki for extra credit. It looks ancient so it probably involves history from somewhere.

The phone begins ringing is she picks it up.

Hakuno: Hello, Uzu you lied all I got was a stupid box!

Uzu: Not my fault you had such low luck.

Hakuno: Even this charm you gave me didn't work. I think it made my luck worse.

Uzu: Well if you hate it so much just get rid of it.

Hakuno: I'm giving it to Mr. Kuzuki tomorrow for extra credit hopefully.

Uzu: You're giving a history teacher a box.

Hakuno: Well it looks old he'll probably be interested in it.

Uzu: Well good luck with that. Yo, Emiya can you come by my house to fix my game console?

She hangs up.

Hakuno: Today is the worst day of my life. I'll never just blindly trust someone by their word again. Hopefully, mom doesn't get angry when she finds out how all that yen disappeared.

She walks to her home carrying the box in hand. When she enters her mother is waiting with dinner on the table.

Tamaki: Welcome home.

Hakuno: Thanks, mom.

Tamaki: What's up with the box?

Hakuno: I won it from a game I played.

Tamaki: They didn't have any better prizes?

Hakuno: No they just game me this one since it was a mystery reward.

Tamaki: Okay well don't develop a gambling addiction like your father then. Goodnight.

Hakuno: You dumb box you're causing me so much trouble. I can't wait until tomorrow to get you out of my hair. Oh man, the food is cold! I blame your box.

Box: ..........

Hakuno: That's what I thought you're speechless because you're guilty. Man, I need to spend more time with people I'm losing my sanity.

Hakuno ends up having to warm up her dinner again since she refused to eat it cold. Finally, she ended up going to bed and put the box on the nightstand next to her.

Hakuno: Now I just need to sleep until tomorrow so you can just become a memory.

Unaware that the seemingly ordinary box is far from normal she falls asleep. The music starts bringing life to the once silent night.

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