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jimin smiled at the school receptionist and nodded. "jeongguk is a great student. so well behaved. are you his brother?"

the male asked while he put jeongguks attendance in on the school website. "uh actually im his boyfriend."

that wasnt the whole truth but everyone knew they had something going on so he just went with it.

he does plan on asking out the younger he just needs time to get his plan straight.

"oh how cute! okay follow me up to jeongguks classroom please!" the receptionist smiled and led jimin up to the classroom.

"Mr. Jeon? Mr. Park's here." jeongguks head shot up from his desk and looked at a smiling jimin.

students whispered all throughout the class room and sent jeongguk shocked stares.

"he's so hot."

"whoa jungkook is with that guy?"

"i wanna marry him."

jeongguk quickly walked over to where jimin was standing and looked up at him a bit. "thanks." there was a small pout on the youngers lips. he really didnt like it when people drooled over something that was kind of his.

"youre welcome baby. ready?" jimin kissed his forehead and lead him out of the room. "where do you wanna go?" jeongguk thought for a second.

"your house." jimin nodded and opened the door to the front desk and smiled at the woman. "oh you two are so cute. your mother raised two fine gentlemen!" she handed jimin the sign out sheet and watched him check jeongguk out of school.

"mmm were not siblings. he's my boyfriend." both jeongguk and the woman widened their eyes. they were not expecting thats.

jimin handed her the sheet and winked at her. "have a good day ma'am!"


"why is your house so cold." jeongguk pouted and hugged himself.

they decided that they'd watch movies until they fell asleep. obviously jeongguk didn't have any overnight clothes so he had to wear some of jimins.

they were a little bit too big but oh well.

jimin patted his lap as an invitation for jeongguk that he gladly took. "better?" jeongguk nodded and smiled. "much better."

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