The one day, nearly a week later, Lauren checks her inbox not exactly expecting much, but then she sees it, among the sea of dirty messages, is a message from Karla and her heart jumps in her throat.

She quickly opens it.

Ok so to be honest I made this profile as a joke and then a got too many pervy message and I haven't been on here for a while. I was bored and decided to check in and then I saw your message and your profe and HOLY SHIT YOU'RE HOT

Lauren laughs delighted. Karla sounds as cute as she looks. She quickly responds.

"I'm glad you think so. I think you look pretty cute yourself."

She only has to wait a couple of hours for a reply.

"I can't believe that I rambled so much...but thanks, im flattered :)"

That's how it begins. They begin chatting semi-regularly over the next few days and Lauren is eager to meet her though she takes it slow—can feel Karla's hesitance over the texts.

Karla tells her on the second day that her real name is Camila and she's using Karla, because her friend Dinah Jane says it's her sexy alter ego. She's 19 years old and on her second year of college—which she complains plenty about. She shares little, funny stories of her everyday life that only make Lauren even more endeared by her.

After two weeks, she finally asks Camila if she wants to meet up and Camila's responds—I thought you'd never ask—is perfect.

They make a plan to meet Saturday at the starbucks downtown—nice and public in case either of them gets uncomfortable, though Lauren doubts it—and Lauren opts for a casual, professional look in a blazer and a form hugging dress that goes just above the knees.

She arrives early and picks out a table by the window and orders herself a coffee while she waits. She's good at concealing it, but she's practically vibrating with excitement—she's been looking forward to this day since the first time she stumbled upon Camila's profile.

When Camila doesn't arrive at their scheduled time, she gets a little nervous but assures herself that she's just a little late. A quarter past their agreed time and she's on her second cup of coffee feeling a lot like a fool. Her cheeks burn a bit as she thinks that perhaps Camila doesn't even exist and some idiot had just stolen a poor girl's picture to lure in horny men.

It's twenty minutes past when Lauren decides to leave, a heavy weight of disappointment sitting on her chest. Stupid, she thinks, she'd been stupid to think that she'd find anything but crushing disappointment on that damn site—she should've known that Camila was too good to be real, should've demanded a few confirming pictures. She's smarter than this, goddamnit.

She rises to her feet with as much dignity as she can muster and adjusts her dress. Just as she's about to make her first step towards the exit, the doors swing open dramatically and a girl stumbles through them, doesn't see the spilled coffee on the floor and ends up slipping it, two seconds later she's an ungraceful heap on the floor.

Lauren stops up and stares as the girl awkwardly rises to her feet, raising her hands above her head, cheeks bright pink as she says, "I'm ok. I'm ok."

A barista rushes forward and profusely apologize, the girl laughs—an utterly enchanting sound—and brushes it off.

As the barista begins to clean the spilled coffee, the girl looks around the café searchingly and her gaze meets Lauren's.

It's Camila. No doubt. And the picture didn't do her justice. She's absolutely adorable in her little peach dress that shows of her smooth, long legs and her stunning smile when she also recognizes Lauren.

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