The beach

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Hello and welcome hope you are ready for these dramatic but awesome teenagers.

Also thank you so much for 30k that's amazing.




Me: okay you guys ready?

All: yup.

Me: okay lets start.





Zuko: hmmm.


(stops 2:23)

(After the preview, the episode opens with the front of a ship and a calm sea. Suddenly, a giant Sea Lion bursts through the surface with a shrill cry. The shot pans out to reveal the Sea Lion is pulling a Fire Nation Ship. Ty Lee and Azula are visible on deck)


Sokka: is that a sea lion?

Zuko: yup.

Sokka: I didn't know you could do that.


Ty Lee: I'm so excited to spend the weekend on Ember Island. (Cut to a close shot of Azula and Ty Lee standing on the deck, with Zuko and Mai sitting in the shade nearby) It's gonna be great to hang out on the beach and do nothing.


Katara: oh you guys are going to ember island?

Zuko: yup.


(Ty Lee rests her hands behind her head and closes her eyes with a satisfied smile. Cut to shot of Zuko and Mai sitting on cushions under a red canopy)

Zuko: Doing nothing is a waste of time. (Zuko stands up) We're being sent away on a forced vacation. (Zuko walks over to the balustrade, leans on it and stares out to sea) I feel like a child.


Sokka: well technically you still are.

Zuko: ....still.

Toph: dang the hair.


(Cut to close shot of Azula)

Azula: Lighten up. So dad wants to meet with his advisors alone... without anyone else around. Don't take it personally.


Suki: I bet she secretly toke it personally.


(Cut to shot of all four teens)

Ty Lee: (gestures at Azula) Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?


All: yup.

Azula: (turns toward Ty Lee) We used to come every summer when we were kids.
Ty Lee: (enthused) That must've been fun!

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