The second box contained all of their school supplies. Such as pencils, paints, watercolors, papers, canvases, textbooks, etc. It also contained fabric paints and markers, a drawing tablet for digital art including a digital pen to go with it, and an easel that they would have to put together.

The third and final box contained finished projects that Shirabu wanted to keep. Such as old and new sketchpads, some paintings, photographs of some digital art they had done, and among other things like that. It also contained a well put together resume.

"Well, I'm right across from you if you need me." Semi said, before walking towards the door. He stopped, however, at the entrance.

"Oh, and later when you have time we can make a chore chart together, to sort out cleaning, dishes, meals, ect. Okay?" Shirabu hummed in response which ticked Semi off at how standoffish they were.

But at the same time, he had to admit, the younger was kinda cute. He was gonna have fun with this one.

"Ugh!" Shirabu exclaimed as they trashed their fifth banner.

"Why can't I get this fucking right!" They were so frustrated. Why couldn't they get this right? They grabbed their hair in frustration.

"Hey Saltyboo~" Semi said teasingly as he entered their living room.

"How's that banner going?" He asked.

"Just peachy." They said rolling their eyes.

"What's the problem?" Semi questioned, sitting down beside the enby on the floor.

Shirabu didn't notice it at first but Semi was actually kinda hot. He was sweaty and his hair was all messed up. He was wearing baggy jeans with chains on them with a black belt. His eyeliner was slightly smudged and water stained from the sweat. He was wearing a baggy graphic T that was tucked in at the front. He was wearing a grunge aesthetic type choker with chains and spikes.

They shook their head as if to snap themselves out of it.

"You know, I'm not the visual artist, but I think that purple kinda fits the band's aesthetic." He pointed out. This made a flow of different ideas flow into Shirabu's head, though they had to play it cool, for their pride's sake.

"Didn't know you actually had an eye for color palettes." They said, crossing their arms.

"Aww, did Salty-chan just complement me?" He said smirking. Shirabu pouted at the comment the boy had made. Semi couldn't let this opportunity slide.

He grabbed Shirabu's chin with his hand and pulled their faces closer together.

"You're cute when you pout~" he said in a flirtatious tone that Shirabu didn't know how to respond to.

They blushed a little, then remembered that Semi was probably being sarcastic.

"Yeah, right." They said almost sadly. They had never been secure enough in their appearance to take a compliment. Semi noticed the spark of confidence leave their eyes.

"I'm not kidding. You need to love yourself more." He said as he looked at Shirabu dead in the eyes.

"Name one thing that you're insecure about and I'll contradict it." Shirabu thought for a second, in disbelief at the situation.

"Well, my bangs are weird, my face is ugly, I'm fat and I have acne all over my face and I suck at the thing that I major in." They were on the verge of tears.

"Your bangs are cool, your face is cute, you aren't fat and if you were, so what? Everyone has acne and you're amazing at the thing you major in." He said, not breaking eye contact.

"You really mean it?" They said, hope in their eyes.

"Of course." He said, seriously.

Shirabu didn't think they could ever be happier in their entire life. They had known this person for 3 months so far and they were already so deep.

"Hey, Shirabu?" He asked, leaning in closer.

"Y-Yeah?" Shirabu silently cursed themselves for stuttering.

"May I kiss you?" He said, leaning in even closer.

Instead of responding, Shirabu closed the gap between their lips, connecting them.

How would yall feel about an anime characters X insecure reader oneshot book? Leave some requests in the comments if so. Tell me your insecurities and your comfort character and I shall deliver. It can be other animes besides Haikyuu too. I'm the best at Haikyuu, MHA and Assasination classroom though.

some haikyuu oneshots for my poor soul (REVIVED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя