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AVA @avaiscrying
men are gross

SAPNAP @sapnapalt
ok ok
AVA @avaiscrying
SAPNAP @sapnapalt
did you just 'k' me?
AVA @avaiscrying
i did and what about it cowboy?
SAPNAP @sapnapalt
i see how it is

DREAM @dreamwastaken
you fart on a girls head once and
suddenly you're gross 😖
AVA @avaiscrying
i'm this close to blocking you 🤏
DREAM @dreamwastaken
block me and i will fart on u again,
don't test me.
TOMMY @tommyinnit
dream did you fart on a girls head?

GEORGE @georgenootfound
am i gross?
AVA @avaiscring
ofc not georgenootfound
GEORGE @georgenootfound
you've made my day avaiscrying

TOMMY @tommyinnit
i couldn't agree more, i hate
men so much, ava.
AVA @avaiscrying
so do i tommy, so do i.
TOMMY @tommyinnit
who is your favourite women?
AVA @avaiscrying
the queen
TOMMY @tommyinnit
happy to hear!
TUBBO @tubbolive_
i also like the queen! :D
TOMMY @tommyinnit
tubbo will you play minecraft
with me
TUBBO @tubbolive_
i'm playing it with ranboo rn, come
join us!
TOMMY @tommyinnit
i don't want to play anymore 🙄

SKEPPY @skeppy
what did the men do?
AVA @avaiscrying
honestly skeppy? what have they
not done at this point
SKEPPY @skeppy
you've raised many good points and
i have no choice but to stan


the first few days in brighton hadn't gone to plan. they missed the tour they were taking for george's birthday because he slept through it and then couldn't reschedule it. the weather was terrible which ruined the plans of going to the beach or for the picnic and now they had no power in george's place.
they were spending his birthday stuck inside because of the horrible rain with no lights on.

"it's getting kind of dark." dream huffed, "do you seriously have no candles?" he asked george.
"maybe some karl sent me?" he responded unsure, "i'll go check."
"this is not how i expected the trip to go." sapnap joked.
"yeah i was expecting a little more adventure." ava nodded in agreement.
"we'll have another chance soon." dream shrugged.
"soon?" ava asked.
"yeah." he said nonchalantly before heading to find george.

the pair were gone for ten minutes, ava and sapnap could hear the two bickering about where the candles would be if george had any. eventually they came back with two candles, one scented apple and cinnamon and the other beach days.

"interesting duo." sapnap laughed.
"yeah not sure how nice the room will smell but it will be lighter." george shrugged.
"good enough for me." ava smiled at him, george returning a smile back.
"i'll finally be able to see george's beautiful face!" dream cheered.
"shut up." he scoffed jokingly before letting out a little giggle.
"get a room." sapnap teased.
"we're already sharing one, isn't that right gogy?" dream grinned nudging his shoulder.
george ignoring dreams statement, rolled his eyes and turned to sapnap, "says you, you and ava never stop flirting."


the quartet sat in the living room telling embarrassing childhood stories. the sun had set and the only light they had was the moon shining through the windows and the two candles that were lit on the table in the middle of the room.

"when i was little i went to an airport with my mom but i ended up losing her when i went to the toilet, so i full on broke down in the middle of the airport until some random staff member came up to me to ask what was wrong." ava started before putting her head into her hands and cringing.
"thats not that bad!" george reassured her.
"that's not the whole story." ava took a deep breath before dream wheezed remembering what happened next.

"i was only about six so instead of just thinking logically and decided she'd walked away i assumed she was kidnapped so i told the guy someone had kidnapped my mom, which obviously caused a bit of chaos." she continued.
"that's still not bad!" sapnap laughed.
"just wait for the next bit." dream wheezed even harder.

"i saw my mum with some random guy, who was probably just trying to help her find me, but me being so fucking stupid i yelled 'he's taking her away! he's going to kill her!' in the middle of the airport." she buried her head into her knees, "i got the poor man interrogated by police."
"holy shit!" george cried out in laughter along with dream who was wheezing and sapnap who was holding his stomach in pain from laughing too much.
"i told you it was bad." she cringed.

they all sat around for a little longer before the power came back on. it was eleven o'clock so they all collectively decided to go to bed.
dream and george in george's bedroom and ava and sapnap in the spare bedroom.


sapnap pulled ava closer to him, her back pressing against his chest as he buried his head into the back of her neck.
"you're hands are cold." she giggled.
"warm them up then." he mumbled tiredly.
"i'm just as cold as you are, dumbass." she teased.
"just cuddle me then." he huffed.
"i am!" she scoffed jokingly.
the pair lay in bed cuddled together on the cold november night.

"i love you." he whispered, placing a quick kiss on the side of her neck.
"i love you too." she said softly back.

authors note
it's been a week 😩
sorry my friends

anyway how are you
doing? i hope you're having
a good week!!

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