The Underground Chpt. 4

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What woke me wasn’t the sound of my father stomping up and down the hall. It wasn’t Charlotte coming into my room to get me to eat breakfast. Not even the sound of Savvy scratching her nails on the window was the cause of my rather abrupt awakening.

What woke me was the sound of a mans voice, a voice that was both familiar and alien to me, like a whispering from a dream.

Maybe, I thought to myself, this is a son of one of my fathers work friends.

“She should be waking up soon,” The voice had said, barely louder than a whisper.

“Seriously, Cai, why are you worrying so much about this girl? She’s not our problem!”

“Dreke!” The first voice sounded annoyed and impatient. “She is our problem seeing as we kidnapped her! Besides, look at her! She’s so… small. And young. What if we gave her an overdose of the grensine?”

There was a rustling, as if one of the people in the room had moved closer to the other. “Vince wouldn’t give have us do this job if he didn’t think the girl could handle it.”

A loud silence filled the room, and neither Cai nor Dreke spoke. Even though I felt fully conscious a dull numbness still filled a few of my body parts, and I didn’t want them to know I was awake until I knew I could fight my way out of this room.

A few questions filled my head as I waited for feeling to return to my limbs, and that worried me. The fact that I was this calm in the face of being drugged, kidnapped and most likely killed was odd, and I wondered if maybe it was a side effect of being drugged. I sincerely hoped not, because the lack of emotions was frightening me.

“For whatever reason she is here,” Dreke’s voice randomly broke through the silence, “She is here.”

Though the sentence made absolutely no sense to me, I guess it comforted the boy named Cai because they no longer spoke. After the silence had spanned for- what I assumed was- several minutes, I dared to crack open my eyes.

The dull light seemed like a bonfire to my eyes, and my head began to pound. With much effort I kept my eyes open and studied the shapes standing by a black hole in the wall- a hole I assumed was a door.

The first was shorter than the second, though not by much, and from what I could see had shaggy brown hair. He was facing the door, as if waiting for someone to walk in. Though his posture was slouched and his hands shoved in the pockets of his pants. From my vantage point I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were or what his face even looked like. He didn’t move except the occasional deep sigh. Something about the way he carried himself, even when still, made me realize how dangerous this boy was.

Now thoroughly frightened I turned my eyes towards the second boy. His arms were crossed across his chest- the first things I saw. In the dim light let off by the fire burning in a medieval looking hearth, I could see how pale and muscular he was. The way his arms flexed when they were crossed made my heart flutter a little.

Stop it! I chastised myself, hating that moment of weakness. He kidnapped you, you idiot!

Tearing my gaze from his arms, I raised them to his face. That was when my heart stopped beating all together. Unlike the boy facing the doorway, I could see his face perfectly. His eyes were a dark brown, warm and inviting. In the light they twinkled madly and I could tell that if we were in any other situation, those were eyes I could fall for. But that wasn’t what caused my heart to stop.

No, my heart froze when I realized that this boy was staring directly into my eyes.

They knew I was awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2011 ⏰

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