The Underground Chpt. 3

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******************AUTHORS NOTE********************

This chapter is set in the 3rd person, so Decca and any absent character have no idea what is going on unless they are told later on by a character who is present in this segment of the story!!!!

Charlotte -> The head cook of the house (usually the only one unless there is a huge party going on and they need more)

James Selizare -> The Cheif of the 'botz, 'nuff said.

Jaime Chase-> Decca's dad

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“Where the hell is my daughter?” Doctor Jaime Chase slammed his fist down on the wood of his desk, making the books on the surrounding shelves tremble. He had been up since five this morning, unusually late, and was furious to find his teenage daughter gone.

“I’m sorry, sir, I have no idea.” Loti, to cook, tried not to tremble alongside the books on the selves.

She knew that she shouldn’t have left Decca in her room by herself, that she should have checked on her in the middle of the night as she occasionally did. Of course, whenever she found the girl missing she’d wait up for her, never mentioning the fact that she knew of Decca’s late night travels. While she might not have trusted that lower city ragamuffin that Decca spent her time with, Loti was glad that Decca wasn’t some spineless rose that her father wanted her to be.

Loti knew that having a backbone was tough, especially for a girl. Back in the Before, Loti knew how hard woman had worked for their rights, and now the rights woman had died for had been thrown out like yesterdays paper. Not just woman’s rights, but also the right of freedom that many old countries had coveted.

The freedom of speech, well that was naught but a myth here in Medis. As if you could speak your mind without fear! There were rumors of other cities where the people were still free, in some sense, but those were just rumors.

Still, there was a lot Decca didn’t know about. She might have had more of a backbone, but she was ignorant. That pretty brainwashed tutor who came to the house every Wednesday and Friday was just that. Pretty and brainwashed. It was her job to make all of the other girls even prettier and even more brainwashed.

And now Decca had to go and get herself kidnapped! Loti knew the girl well; she knew that running away was not on Decca’s agenda.

A knock on the front door was enough to make Dr. Chase pause, smooth down his flawless shirt, and take in a deep breathe. By the time he had calmed down enough, a young maid named Macy walked in, her eyes fixated on the floor.

“A Mister Selizare is here to see you,” Macy murmured, trying hard not to tremble.

Dr. Chase was infamous for his frequent bursts of fury. Violence was a common result of one of these tantrums. Usually, Decca was the only person who could sooth these outbursts.

“James!” Dr. Chase greeted the strange man, identifiable only by the small blue pin on his jacket, “Thank you for coming!”

A cold flash of fear ran up Loti’s spine. James Selizare was almost as infamous as Abram Grace. His cold exterior hid nothing except an even colder exterior. After the arrest of Abram, James took over the ’botz, and began cracking down on crime even harder. Everyone from the Lower City feared this man, because everyone in the Lower City had done something wrong at least once before in his or her life.

“Get out Charlotte,” Dr. Chase snapped, glaring at the elderly woman.

She nodded, standing up quickly and hurrying out of the room. Charlotte knew why Mister Selizare was here. Ever since Dr. Chase turned in all the necessary evidence to condemn Abram Grace, Selizare felt like he owed Dr. Chase his job. For years Selizare had been attempting to find a way to pay Dr. Chase back, and with the disappearance of his daughter, Selizare finally found a way to.

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