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It was hard teaching at the school when everyone thought Yuji was dead. They seemed down, and even though they didn't mention anything, you knew it was because they thought he had died. You knew that for Yuji's own good, he had to be kept secret for just a few days longer.

"Okay, Fushiguro," You spoke properly, since you were in class. "Don't tell any of the staff this. If you can finish this problem set, then I'll let you skip math lessons for the rest of the year." You were about to give the same deal to Toge in second year, but he still made a few too many careless mistakes unlike Megumi.

His eyes widened, as he murmured "really?"

"Hey! Why can't I have the same deal?" Nobara complained. You laughed a little, since she was almost 19 and still at high school level in math.

"Here," you handed her a copy of the questions. "If you can solve this, then you can do the same."

Nobara's eyes scanned down the page, and looked at you confused.

"Sensei, this isn't math. There are no numbers! What is this curly 'd'?"

You resisted the urge to laugh. "This is the math that I've been teaching Megumi. I know the symbols look confusing, but they have meanings like every language does."

"Oh, I see!" Nobara raised her eyebrows.

"I'm not talking about typing 58008 into your calculator in class, either." You spoke as you saw Nobara reach for the calculator on her desk. Her hand froze as she sweatdropped, realizing that you saw her do this and giggle to herself at least once a week whenever she'd get bored.

"Ah... yeah." Nobara scratched the back of her head.

"I know math isn't really too vital to sorcerers, but it's still something used during research. It describes all the laws of the universe, even the laws of cursed energy." You walked up to the blackboard, taking out a piece of chalk to write.

"You've both met Ieiri-san, right?" You asked. Your two students nodded. "Okay then," You began to write on the board.

'Cursed energy (-) x cursed energy (-) = positive energy (+)'

"You both know the incredibly complicated reverse cursed technique. It uses the basics of mathematical multiplication to turn cursed energy, which is destructive, into positive cursed energy, which Ieiri-san uses to heal people."

You continued, and explained Gojo's innate techniques and how they related to forces in physics, and could be defined by mathematical equations as well.

"These equations are quite complicated, I won't bore you with them now." You moved onto your next point. "My cursed technique might stem from the laws of physics as well, however I believe it might be quantum physics rather than classical like Gojo. Again, that's something I can explain another time." You scratched your head, slightly embarrassed that you had rambled on for so long.

"Okay, well. Please carry on with your problems. Nobara, this sheet is for you." You handed her a sheet with long multiplication on it, and took the calculator off of her desk.

"Hey! How am I supposed to do this without a calculator?!" She complained.

"I taught you last class, don't you remember?" You asked, smiling cheekily. "You can have the calculator back once you finish the sheet."


Gojo had called you to come meet him for coffee. It was in the outskirts of Tokyo, and you had a feeling that was because he was keeping Yuji out of the public eye. When you arrived at the coffee shop, you spotted Nanami, Gojo, and Yuji waiting for you.

Reverse Curse Manifestation (Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now