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"What the fu-"

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" Yuji bowed deeply as he cut off your profanity, squeezing onto the dreaded stuffed toy.

You had come home after a long day, excited to eat some food and relax.

However, your apartment was a mess. The table was flipped over, your books were all over the floor, and a few plates were broken on the kitchen counters. One of your couch cushions was leaking feathers, and your curtains had been pulled off of the window, but thankfully your flatscreen TV was unscathed.

"It got super out of hand while I was watching Hustlers!" Yuji exclaimed.

"That movie with Cardi B?" You asked. The stuffed toy activated before Yuji could respond, punching him in the face then bouncing from the floor to the ceiling again. You leapt over and snatched it out of the air, sucking energy from it until it began to fall limp.

"That blindfolded bastard!" You threw the toy on the ground, seething with anger. "His freaking exercise has trashed my apartment!"

"I'm so sorry!" Yuji bowed his head nearly to the ground.

"It's not you, it's that annoying Satoru thinking this would be a fine exercise!" You smacked your palm into your head forcefully out of frustration.

"Wait, what happened to the cursed doll?" Yuji asked.

"Oh, I absorbed its cursed energy. It's inactive now." You explained briefly.

"Woah, how do you absorb its energy?" Yuji asked.

"It's my innate skill, reverse curse manifestation, something I was given at birth apparently." You replied. "I was born a normal human, but with the ability to undo the manifestation of cursed spirits by absorbing their energy."

Yuji's eyes widened with shock. "Wait, so you could just slap a curse and exorcise it?"

"No," You corrected, "I can't do that to curses that are too powerful, since it damages my body. I've been getting better at it though."

"Wow, and what about other people? Can you absorb their cursed energy?" Yuji questioned further.

"Yeah, I can do that too, but the same condition applies." You responded.

"Woah! Try it on me!" Yuji exclaimed loudly.

"Uhm, I don't think it would be very pleasant," You thought about how little cursed energy Yuji possessed.

"Still, try it on me!" Yuji held out his hand excitedly.

"Okay," You put your fingertip onto his palm, taking a tiny bit of energy from him.

Yuji shuddered a little at what felt like a small electric shock, amazed by this new aspect of cursed energy. You looked up at him as you took your hand away to see his face excited.

"Wow, that wa-" Yuji froze as you watched black markings grow across his face. You felt a shift in cursed energy, and your eyes widened in horror as you realized that this was Sukuna.

"You..." Sukuna spoke, a venomous grin spreading over his face. "Oh, you!" His voice became more aggressive as suddenly his hand was around your throat and your feet were on the ground. You kicked your legs helplessly, knowing that the demon before you was going to kill you.

"I haven't seen a sorcerer like you in millenia." His eyes widened with glee. "I killed the last of them over a thousand years ago!"

You sputtered and choked, unable to say anything back.

Reverse Curse Manifestation (Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now