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Your exams went by uneventfully. Your hard work throughout the year paid off, and you barely needed to use any of the cursed notes you had made. It seemed that simply making the notes was enough for you to learn what you needed. You were relieved, because you knew Nanami would be disappointed in you if you had relied on cheating to do well.

You were excited to finally be done with university, but you were even more excited to spar with Nanami at Jujutsu Tech. You took the train there to meet Nanami, who had already been there since early in the morning. It turns out it also accommodated students full time, and staff sometimes needed to work weekends. It was beginning to get warmer out, and you wore a blouse with wide legged jeans and sneakers that morning, carrying your activewear in your bag.

Greeting Nanami as you entered the gymnasium, you headed straight to the changing room. Because it was warming up again, you chose a simple sports bra and shorts for that day. Once you were changed you walked back out to the gymnasium to see Nanami without his usual jacket or tie, and the first few buttons of his shirt undone. You noticed the holster for his weapon for the first time, and spoke up.

"Nanami-Kun, when can I get a weapon like that?" You asked.

Nanami paused for a second, his eyes catching your midriff before making their way up to yours. "Perhaps once you improve more. It also depends on what kind of weapon you are more suited to."

The two of you stepped onto the sparring mats, and readied yourselves.

"Don't go too easy on me," you piped up.

"No promises." Nanami smirked a little.

You two leaped into combat with each other. Nanami knew your innate technique, but still wasn't ready for the amount of cursed energy you could steal. He realized just how unpredictable you were, and found himself on edge trying to figure out whether you would steal his cursed energy, or use what you've already stolen against him with each new move.

"Don't baby me," You said before you went in again. You feinted a grab at his wrist and used your other hand to flick cursed energy at his other forearm while he was distracted.

"Straighten your back." Nanami spoke sternly, the cursed energy not phasing him. He moved to avoid your next punch. Your next few hits came faster, and he picked up his pace in order to keep up with you.

Nanami used a small cursed technique, keeping it carefully under control to counter your barrage. It hit you in the shoulder and left a mark, but didn't seem to change your movements at all. He felt bad for leaving a mark, but didn't have time to think as he tried a slightly stronger one once more. This time though, you saw it coming and put up your hand, firmly catching the technique and unwinding it back into energy within your body.

This irritated Nanami, he didn't realize you were this skilled so soon. He leaned into his fighting position, and instructed you further. "Your footing is off. If you want to channel cursed energy, you need the right stance." He blocked your next attack by swinging his arm out, bringing your arm to the side and causing you to release the cursed technique into the air. You countered this by grabbing him and using your momentum to spin around and land a kick to his side.

"Is this as intense as you're gonna get?" You asked. You weren't even breaking a sweat. Nanami's brows furrowed, he was obviously getting frustrated that you were constantly wanting more. The next swing you took at him, he countered you by grabbing your arm and turning you as he moved so your back was to him, and he could grab the other arm to prevent you from using either.

His eyes were caught by a mark, on your back, a raised scar where the curse was once placed on you. This made his movements falter as he felt bad for you, but you used this to your advantage and activated your innate technique, draining cursed energy from his hands. Now that he was unable to immediately attack back with a cursed technique, you used this time to quickly swipe at his knees and grab him to drag him to the ground in a headlock.

Reverse Curse Manifestation (Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now