🌻The Aftermath🌻

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Gojo was gazing down at the destruction caused by his Hollow Purple. A huge ravine was painted across the ground, stretching for nearly a kilometer through the wooded land of Jujutsu Tech campus. He grinned madly despite knowing full well that he had gone overkill when all he needed to do was eliminate the curse that was fighting with Yuji and Aoi.

He gazed behind himself and down at principal Gakuganji, who was completely unamused by Gojo's egregious display of power. The curse user at the Principal's feet was writing in agony with both his arms and legs crushed by Gojo himself.

"Hmmm," he thought to himself, scanning around the campus for any more threats. He could feel Utahime and some female students off in the distance, and other students being taken to get urgent medical care. Then, he felt your energy off in the distance, all on its own. It was dampened, as if you were behind a barrier technique. He decided to fly down to where you were, since he was disappointed that you didn't listen to him when he told you not to chase after random energies you thought you had sensed.

However, Satoru Gojo was also worried. Something felt ever so slightly off about your energy. When he quickly arrived at the building that you were inside of, he spotted two guards face down on the ground, dead. Their bodies were devoid of cursed energy. He didn't care about them whatsoever, and just continued on to search for you.

When he spotted you, face down in a puddle of your own blood, his eyes went wide with shock.

He rushed to your crumpled body, kneeling down and placing a hand on your back. He felt your shallow breathing and cursed energy flowing slowly through your body, and let out a sigh of relief. You were simply unconscious. He lifted you from the puddle of blood, and checked your lolling head to see how bad the injury was. It just appeared to be a cut from being hit in the temple by something blunt, so he ripped a strip off of the bottom of your pale purple blouse. He tied it around your forehead so it wouldn't drip blood everywhere, but then he simply slung you over his shoulder as he flew back over to the medical area.


You were in the mortuary with Ieiri. It was the late afternoon, and the Sister School Event had been cancelled. You felt bleak; both Yuji's attempted assassination and the ransacking of the school grounds. A familiar face rested on the metal autopsy table before you; it was a guard that you remembered always greeting you whenever you passed by. Now, he was only ever going to be a memory.

You stood there with a bandage on your forehead, your blouse frayed at the bottom from being torn. You felt like you had just been hit by a truck; not physically, but emotionally. Your injury had long since been healed and now only a mark remained.

As she worked on the autopsy, Shoko noticed the distraught expression on your face and attempted to lighten the atmosphere.

"Hey, remember that cursed energy conducting ring?" She asked as she was elbows deep in another casualties' chest cavity.

"Yeah? The one that helped me exorcise that curse?" You responded, not really in the mood for talking much.

"Turns out, it becomes malleable the more cursed energy you put into it." She spoke, her voice still unwavering as she picked up an unrecognizably deformed internal organ to weigh it, the tissue and blood squelching in her gloved hands. "I played around with it, turns out it could be useful in combat for someone with your ability." Shoko dropped the organ onto the scale with a wet plop.

"Oh, that's cool." You couldn't find many words because your mind was so preoccupied with death and cruelty. You were standing there with glassy eyes, and Shoko felt relieved when she saw Ijichi walk in through the door.

Reverse Curse Manifestation (Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now