🍃Cursed Human🍃

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When you arrived at your room, you were given a very old looking key attached to a small piece of wood by a tarnished metal chain. Opening the door, you were met with a traditional looking Ryokan bedroom, with an entry area, tatami mats, traditional Japanese bathroom, and an old cast-iron fireplace. A small flame had already been lit inside, and a metal placard on the side gave instructions on how to safely use it. A window overlooked the small town, which appeared very old-fashioned with low traditional roofs filling the view.

You unpacked your belongings and changed your blouse to a sweater, grabbing your coat and a scarf before going downstairs to meet Nanami.

When you arrived, he was sitting in the lounge with his foot propped up on one knee, a local newspaper in his hands as he read with an emotionless expression. You thought he looked very businessman-like in his dapper suit and tie, and could see his weapon holster that was strapped to his torso underneath.

Nanami looked up from what he was reading, and spoke plainly. "There was another incident this morning." You nodded, sad that yet another person was hurt. You pulled some folded up papers out of your pocket, carefully reading off of them.

"Not only is the rate of incidents accelerating, but the data that Gojo-Sensei gave me says that the temperature variation of this town is deviating more and more compared to the surrounding area, and the area of effect is spreading. The temperature here is 10 degrees centigrade colder than the surrounding four towns, which in turn are 5 degrees colder than the towns further out." You continued to spout empirical data. "The deviation of this region's average annual temperature is increasing, too. In January it averaged 2 degrees colder than the average January in the past 50 years, but now it's 18 degrees colder than the April average." You explained.

"This was already available in the case papers," Nanami replied after patiently listening through your long ramble.

"Well, that's why I decided to bring this!" You picked a digital thermometer out of your pocket. You tapped on the screen of the small outdoor thermometer, and numbers flashed until a warm 21 degrees celsius showed up on the screen.

"If the curse is the source of the cold, we'll be able to find it by going in whichever direction is colder." You explained.

Nanami raised his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised at your sharp thinking. Sorcerers usually follow curses by detecting cursed energy alone, but you thought of a way that could be much more efficient.

"Oh, but I already know where we should head. When I looked out the window, I noticed the most snow had accumulated on rooftops on the east side of town." You added. Nanami raised his eyebrows even further, the hint of a smirk appearing on his lips.

"The incident this morning happened on the east side," Nanami added. You nodded, understanding that this confirmed your suspicion.

As you walked towards that side of town, the air began to chill even more. The late afternoon sun began to sink across the sky, making its warmth less and less intense.

"Having winter last this long would suck," You sighed, kicking a clump of snow from the sidewalk and watching it crumble into flakes on the road.

"It depends how much you enjoy summer," Nanami responded. You smiled, knowing that summer was his favorite season.

You soon arrived at the scene of the last incident, where a local was shoveling piles of fresh snow over older snow that was stained a sickening red. Nanami went over to question the resident for any new information, while you took out your thermometer and held it up as you walked in wide circles around the area. You determined that you needed to head northeast, but that was towards the edge of the town and you knew there was a thick mountainous forest at its edge.

Reverse Curse Manifestation (Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now