🍃Another Nightmare🍃

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At dinner, you two spoke a little. It was comforting to see some semblance of your friendship return, and both of you enjoyed the warm meal in the dining room of the small inn. You two said goodnight, and went to your own rooms.

You got ready for bed, scrubbing your body down twice in the traditional Japanese bathroom before taking a short soak. You were desperate to get the feeling of the cursed human off of your skin.

Your short soak turned into a long one, and you began to think about Nanami. He seemed really reluctant for you two to enter the cave and exorcise the curse quickly. The more you thought about it, the more you began to believe that he wasn't acting that way for himself.

'Does he.... Care about me that much?' You thought, your cheeks flushing red at the idea. You dipped your head lower into the water, suddenly embarrassed by your thoughts that were far from professional.

After you were finally finished bathing, you climbed out of the tub to dry off. You changed into a camisole and shorts when you were done, and crawled into bed, exhausted. Your hand ached where you absorbed the cursed energy from the human, which reminded you that you had just killed a human. The scene replayed in your head over and over, seeing its head spin around and around. The indie band t-shirt that it wore proved that it once had a life as a human, and that you ended it in the most disgusting way.

You tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position on the futon and a peaceful space in your mind for you to relax. However, the image of the poor human's spinning head played over and over in your mind, each time seemingly with more detail. His eyes grew wider and wider with each rotation, realizing that his life was quickly coming to an end.

What a horrible way to go.

Cursed, then brutally murdered by a sorcerer.

You kept tossing and turning until you couldn't take it anymore, the moon was far across the sky and it was already the early hours of the morning.

Getting up, you paced around your room a few times, but it only made yourself get more and more upset, wiping your eyes each time tears welled up. Eventually, you decided you couldn't take it anymore, and you needed to speak to someone. So you slipped out of your room into the dimly lit hall of the hotel, and tiptoed to Nanami's room.

Once you reached his room you tapped softly on the door, not knowing whether he would be up and not wanting to wake him if he were sleeping. However, you quickly heard rustling inside and footsteps. Nanami opened the door, wearing only his typical white button-down and slacks, missing his usual sunglasses. You were so relieved to see his face that you immediately stepped forward, grabbing the fabric of his shirt and burying your face in his chest.

Nanami had been up late, his body used to the lack of sleep from his routine as a salaryman. He brought along one of the books he had bought a long time ago but never got around to reading it, and was enjoying it when you had knocked on the door.

When Nanami opened the door and saw your distressed expression, he knew something bad had happened. However, he didn't expect you to cling onto him this way. Your shoulders shuddered, as you soundlessly sobbed and he placed his hands on your back, just letting you stay there for a few moments.

"Nanami, I-" You spoke, your voice quivering. "I killed a human today." You sobbed quietly, and Nanami could feel tears begin to soak through his shirt.

"Here, come inside." He gestured for you to step into his room, with the fireplace lit and a book resting face-down on the table next to an empty liquor glass. You wiped your teary face with your hands, and Nanami offered you a tissue to help.

You sat down, the tears already drying from your eyes thanks to Nanami's company.

"Every sorcerer has to go through this," Nanami didn't know what else to say. "I'd like to tell you it gets easier, but it doesn't."

You nodded sadly, just glad to have him there with you to fill your mind instead of the horrendous image of murder. You spent nearly an hour talking quietly, until you began to feel the familiar drowsiness of sleep.

Nanami walked you back to your room and said goodnight, and with his words being the last thing you heard that evening, you fell asleep quickly.

However, your sleep was anything but sound.

Your sleep was filled with vivid dreams. Dreams of running down mazes made from walls of twisted eyeballs, each one tracking your every move. You dreamt of snakes with eyes covering their entire body, twisting around to look at you from every single angle. Spiders with many eyes all over their body, looking around with jerky movements as they took in their surroundings. You ran away from them, only to realize that they were a part of a massive swarm that engulfed you. A sea of hands reached up towards you as you stood above them on a rocky cliff face, their hands covered completely in eyes that were all different sizes. Suddenly the cliff face opened up to reveal a giant eye, and you felt yourself falling.

You were shocked awake, sitting up immediately as you regained consciousness. It was the early morning, the birds chirping outside and sunlight streaming through the window to remind you. You were out of breath and covered in sweat from that terrifying nightmare. You reached up and wiped your brow, but something felt weird with your hand. Lowering your arm, you noticed that your skin was tinted pale green. That was weird, but you weren't prepared for the dozens of tiny eyes that opened up, revealing that they were embedded in your arm.

You shouted out in shock, swinging your arm away from you and hitting the floor, sending searing waves of pain up your arm and into your spine. You quickly made it to the bathroom, where you threw up voluminously over the toilet.

After you began to feel slightly less sick, you steadied your emotions as you knew today you had to take out the curse that was doing this to humans. You took another shower before getting ready, since you knew you had to meet Nanami soon. You steeled your nerves as your arm caused constant searing pain, making you sick to your stomach and weak in your knees. You were determined to exorcize this curse today, even if it meant suffering through such incredible pain.


Hope you (kinda) enjoyed this rough chapter bwahahahah

But aaaah, what a horrible way to be cursed!! googly eye arm is now an item of my nightmares

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