🌌Sunnier Days🌌

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Ok ok so this is an au I've been working on so enjoy.

Russia stumbled onto his front porch steps in wee hours of the morning. He had just came from the local bar in town after geting kicked out. He patted pockets for his keys and upon finding them he immediately dropped them. He cursed his druckness and searched around in the snow.

Once he obtained his keys he entered his home. He waited for it.

He waited to be scolded, to be laughed at, to be worried over.

It never came

Things hadn't been the same in that house since his dad had died. He leaned up against the door and broke down into tears.

He was alone. He had always been alone.

Everyone else had moved out long ago, most rarely talk to him now.

What had hurt him the most was when Belarus and Ukraine had moved out. They were the closest out of all of Soviets children, even though none of them were related.

He pondered over the last agreement him and Ukraine had.

Could it be true?

Were his siblings being abused by his father while he got the golden child treatment?

Was Soviet a monster?

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