Not a fan...😬

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A/n- this may have more then one part.
This is about you y/n and her bff Sarah who went to a place where they could maybe meet and get autographs from the cast of the maze runners. Sarah is a big fan y/n is not. But when Thomas sees Y/n you could say it was love at first sight. It's really long!


"Wake up!" Sarah said jumping on my bed. I knew what this day meant to her so I got up and got ready. We walked out the door, we hoped into my blue Jeep, and I drove to the place where Sarah could meet her hero's.

Don't get me wrong I love the maze runner books but I hate, hate movies. I don't know they have never really been my thing. We put the radio on and start singing the words to the music.

The place was a hour away we got there and Ava found some place in the found were we stood for around 30 minutes then people started getting out of limos. "Muffin, please pretend to me happy did me." Sarah said giving me a smile. "Fine." I smiled back I just started thinking about things I like. I zoned out and I guess Sarah was talking to Thomas and Dylan. She was taking pictures and getting there autographs on her maze runner shirt.

Then I looked right at them. "Do you want a autograph?" Thomas asked. "Uh no thanks I'm not a fan." I said if looked deep into my e/c eyes. His eyes where Quiet calming. "What?!" Dylan somewhat yelled. "I'm here for my best friend." I point to Sarah as I say that. They nodded at the same time. "See you guys at the interview?" Thomas asked looking at me. "Uh n-" I was CUTT off buy Sarah. "Of course!" Then they kept signing and I just looked at Sarah who was Smiling.

A couple hours later.
You guys booked a hotel room. Because the place was a hour away. The interview was in 30 minutes so you drive there abc went in and found your sets.

Thomas POV

As soon as I saw the girl I wanted to know her but I can't see she's not a fan. I told Dylan and he just asked if I got her number. Then he said maybe she'll be there just look,


They were all Coming on the stage.
They all slowly sat in a line, Sarah and I where next to were the microphone was for fans to ask questions so we where really close to the front. Fans asked questions and there was a bunch of talking. Then Sarah went up and pulled me up with her. She gets nervous.

S- hi u-h i-
Kaya- are you ok? Nervous maybe?
I felt bad for Sarah Even though I wasn't a fan. I went up to the microphone next to Sarah.
Y/n- this is Sarah, she is just nervous about talking in front of everyone.
Ki- ok well nice to meet you Sarah.
Sarah asked her question and they all answered from that moment on Thomas was looking at me for the whole thing it felt like.

Thomas POV

When the girl and Sarah came up I knew it was them right away. I think I really did fall for her it was love at first sight. She was so bold, but she wasn't a fan and I really wanted to know why. After they went up at the mic I could help but to look at her. I felt someone elbow me.
Dylan whispered "You really do love her."
I elbow him back and soon after the interview ended. Everyone was leaving and we went back to Our hotel. Dylan and I share a room.

D- So Thomas we gonna find that girl and get her number?
T- she hates me.
D- Yeah but that's why you already love her come on you know I'm right.

I knew he was right and almost knows everything about me. I just nodded my face was probably pink.
T- I don't even know her name.
D- well lets try to find a Sarah in our social followings.
T- yeah maybe, I guess.

We looked up Sarah and there where so many. There was no way we ended up going to bed. We do have a interview tomorrow.


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