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Waking up every morning making sure I was always on time. I have to because my uncle hits me both my parents died my mom from cancer when I was 2 months and my dad on a car crash when I was 1 and a half. So I've always lived with just my uncle and he hits me, hurts me.
I can never break one of his rules.

This morning I woke up and got dressed and ran out the door I hoped on my bike and biked to school. I was soon there and I put my bike in the bike rack and walked over to my locker.

I heard someone come from behind me it was just my only friend Emma.
E- Hey girl! See you at lunch.
Y/n- yep see you then.
Nether of us wanted to be late so we went to our classes and soon it was lunch time I went and sat down in the cafe. Emma met me at a table along with her bf Dylan. We didn't really talk.
D- So uhh.
E- why is it so weird between you too?
Y/n- it's not.
E- then have a conversation.
D- Babe look Thomas is coming.
Thomas, Dylan's best friend most popular guy in school, then Dylan and Emma was popular but a nice popular no one understood why she hung out with me.
T- hey Dyl, Emma. Y/n.
E- hey.
D- yo bro we should have a pizza party or something later.
E- ouuu sounds fun!
T- so not a boys night? *laughs*
D- Thomas how about your house tonight being as it is Friday we can all hang late.
T- yeah sure. Who is all gonna come?
E- Thomas, Dylan, Me, Ki, Kaya, Will, And y/n.
I just looked up.
Y/n- what?
T- ok sounds good, Dyl let's go.
D- ok bye babe remember swim suits.
They left the table and I just gave Emma a look.
Y/n- you know I can't.
E- y/n come on I have one of your swimsuits at my house you don't even have to go home.
Y/n- fine.

Soon the day had ended and we went over to Emma's house and put our swim suits on under track pants and a t-shirt. Then we left and soon go to Thomas's house. We went up to the door they opened it and we started to end pizza when we where done that we all wanted to go swim. We took our stuff of and walked out I went to a table to set my water down. Will, Kaya, Ki had left after pizza so it was only us 4. Dylan and Kaya went in the water and were laughing. I didn't know where Thomas was but once I placed my water down on the table.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me tight so I could feel his chest. Then I soon felt wait and I came up to see Thomas standing over the side smirking.
T- well hello there.
Y/n- you bloody son of a b-
We all just started laughing.
T- here I'll help you out if you need.
He put his hand out and I put my hand up and grabbed his hand then pulled him in.
He came up laughing.
T- ok I  should have seen that coming.
Soon after we all got out and I went and put track pants on and the t-shirt my hair was wet which made my me so cold.
D- which movie?
Dylan said as he sat down next to Ava. He put his arm around her. Then I sat on the other side of Ava.
T- here's Candy, Chocolate, Popcorn, chocolate chip cookies and chocolate covered strawberries.
Y/n- Chocolate covered strawberries!!!!
He just laughed at how I said it then he sat down next to me.
E- what can we watch?
D- you pick babe.
T- yeah I don't care.
E- ok Uhhhh (y/f/m pretend it's very sad at the end.)

The movie had started and almost ended Emma was crying and I was kinda not a lot. Dylan was just hugging Emma then I felt a hand on my back. It was Thomas. The movie soon ended.
T- you guys should spend the night.
E- uhhh I don-
T- I can sleep in my room, There is a guest room which Dylan and Emma can share and another guest room which y/n can have.
D- come on babe.
E- ok!
We ended up it was the next morning and I woke up early so I walked out to the kitchen and then outside it was so sunny. Then I heard a voice from behind me which made me jump.
"Morning love!"
T-sorry to scare you. Why are you awake? It's the weekend.
Y/n- I can't sleep past 6:00am at the lastest.
T- why?
Y/n- uh well- sh*t!
T- language! Sorry I had to
I just laughed.
T-what what's wrong?
Y/n- I need to go home now!
T- Should we tell Emma.
Y/n- she'll know it's fine, trust me please drive me.
T- yeah ok. Uhh here.
Y/n- I'm not taking your hoodie.
T-well do you want to wear the same thing?
I grabbed the hoodie and took my still wet shirt off and put the hoodie on. I noticed Thomas looking at me.
Y/n- did you like the view?
He just blushed.
Y/n- k let's go.
We walked out the car and go in. The ride home was silent when we got there I spoke.
Y/n- thanks.
T- one day you gonna have to tell me why?
Y/n- never in this life time.
I ran into the house mad saw Thomas pull out of the driveway. My Unlce yelled then ran over to me and slapped me punched me and hurt me. Tomorrow I had to run into the store to grab food since my uncle made me do everything.

The next morning.
I woke up and saw that I was in a group chat with Dylan, Emma, Thomas and myself. They had texted and they where texting me all day yesterday. But I had not answer Thomas texted me alone and was making sure I was ok.
I didn't answer. My dad yelled at me for not coming downstairs in time then hit my arm. I had put on black track pants and a black hoodie and put the hood up and sun glasses over my black eye.

I walked out of the house and went to the store. I saw Dylan, Thomas, and Emma there looks like there buying stuff for sundaes. I hid as best as I could until I was trying to get something off the top shelf. Then I felt someone's arms grab it then hand it to me.
T- here you go. Sorry I just wanted to help- y/n!
Y/n- hey.
Emma ran and hugged me.
T-why didn't you answer I was worried.
Y/n- I'm fine.
D- sorry but why are wearing a gaint hoodie and sweats it's a beautiful day out? And shades in the store.
Y/n- why not?
E- she's got a point baby.
T- y/n you seem off.
My hood feel down showing a bruise on my neck I put my hand there fast and with that my hand hit my sunglasses and made them fall to the ground. Thomas caught them.
T-her- y/n how'd you get that? And why's you hand on your neck?
Y/n- I fell.
He pulled my hand off my neck.
T- love, why really happened? Emma do you know?
E- I have a guess.
Y/n- don't. Not here.
E- we are getting you out of that house. Thomas y/n is living in your guest room now. Let's go.

We got to his house and where now in the guest room I was sitting on the bed.
T-please love what happened?
Y/n- my uncle. He I live with hi-. I can't uhhh b- late , or umm he uh hits me and hurts- me.
I started to cry Thomas grabbed me into a hug I just hugged him back.

1 month later

My dad has not found me. I've lived at Thomas's house. It was 1 month since I started staying there I've had nightmares each night. Today I woke up at 2am and I walked in the kitchen to see Thomas sitting on one of the chairs.
Y/n- you ok Tommy?
T- uhh yeah why are you awake so early?
Y/n- I could ask you the same thing.
T- you where screaming in your sleep again but then you stopped so I didn't have to wake u also I couldn't stop thinking.
Y/n- I'm sorry. Thinking about what Tommy?
T- love, I think I'm in love.
Y/n- with who?
T- this girl with y/h/l  y/h/c and she is kinda short. He laugh makes me so happy the first night we really hung out I knew she was the one. I threw her in the pool.
Y/n- Thomas I uh-
T- I know it's fine but I do I love you Y/n.
Y/n- I love you too.
T- wait really?
I pulled him in for a kiss he quickly kissed back and I soon pulled away.
Y/n- does that answer your question?
T- maybe you should tell me one more time.
Y/n- uhh no.
I started to run and I ran through the doors and I felt arms wrap around me and we jumped into the pool. I came up for air and then saw Thomas staring at me and I just looked into his chocolate brown eyes when he looked into my y/e/c eyes. I could have looked in his eyes forever.

A/n-     1686 words
I hope you liked this I have been doing online school so it's kinda hard to post all the time.

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