Chapter 27

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Ally pov

The next few months are chaos. There's no other way to say it. Angelo took Cady in. She started doing online classes as soon as she could. After a few weeks of not being able to find any apartments in our area, Angelo let her move in with him. At first she didn't want to, but eventually she couldn't find anywhere else she would be comfortable having a baby in. And of course it would be safer to be with Angelo. If any of the Irishmen find out that the baby is Kyles, it would be in danger.

At four months, we all piled into a tiny room to find out if it the baby was a boy or a girl.

"Congratulations," The nurse said to us. "It's a girl. She looks nice and healthy."

And all of us, Angelo, Leandro, Antonio, Morgan, and I all grin at each other. From where they're crowded by the door, Antonio and Leandro hug. I pull my phone out to text Abbi the news. 

"I'm going to be an aunt!" Antonio cheered. 

Leandro looked at him as if he was thinking Are you fucking serious? The rest of us looked at him with furrowed brows. 

"No?" Angelo says quietly.

"Well I know we're not really related to the baby. But still-"

"Except no," Leandro interrupts him.

"What do you mean no? She'll practically be our niece!" Antonio says back. His voice is laced with hurt.

"Think about what you said, buddy." Leandro pats his shoulder.

"I'm going to be an aunt. Oh. I'm going to be an uncle," He amends.

"There you go." Leandro pats his shoulder again.

I look away from the boys back to Cady. She's teary eyed, looking at the screen. "Angelo," I hear her whisper, "I'm going to have a daughter."

He smiles down at her and holds her hand. "I know. You're having a daughter. You're going to be an amazing mom," he whispers back to her. The two of them smile at each other.

After that day, the two of them told the rest of us that they were together. None of us were surprised by the news. The nursery in their house is perfect. They went for a meadow type room. The walls are green fading into sky blue. Along the floor are wildflowers painted in bright pastel colors. The furniture is a bright, clean white. The bedding is pastel pink.
Morgan and I walked in one day to see Cady and found Antonio and Leandro on the floor sticking butterflies on the walls.

"Hand me the credit card!" Antonio calls to Leandro. He throws it to him from his wall. Without noticing that we're here, Antonio starts to rub out air bubbles. Morgan and I turn and leave the boys to what they're doing. We find Cady sitting in Angelo's office going over papers with him.

"How are things?" Morgan asks. She flops down in a chair next to Cady. I stay standing.

Cady pushes her hand through her hair. "Things are going. There's just a lot to figure out."

Angelo nods and continues reading over his own paper. The two are beyond stressed. They need to get their wedding planned. The two know they're moving quickly, but don't have any regrets. So they're going to the courthouse soon to make things official.

Their wedding was beautiful. Small, with just a close group of friends in the courthouse. We had a small party with cake and dancing after. Cady looked gorgeous in her simple dress. And then, three months later, she had her baby.

Lyric Jane. A beautiful baby girl. She had Cady's dark hair with a slight curl to it. Big chocolate eyes. She was the happiest, sweetest baby. Lyric had all of us wrapped around her finger as soon as she was born. She was born only two weeks before Abbi, Morgan, and I had to go back to school. Cady would keep going with online classes.

And we were happy like this. All of us were. Morgan and Ron were happy together. Cady and Angelo were raising a daughter together. Leandro and Antonio were helping raise their niece.

Our little family was together, and we were happy. 

Authors note

Wow. This is it. A College Girls' Guide to Joining an Italian Mafia is finished. 

Just kidding, this is only the end of the first book! Once I'm done editing this one and get a final version published (I'll let you guys know when that happens, of course) My co-author and I are going to start on the second book. We've got big plans for that one. 

But, of course the published version is going to be better than this, I promise. It's already so much better and I'm barely half way through editing. I've fixed timeline errors, made characters have more development, and fixed some pretty major plot holes. So, if you want to read this story but with better writing and development, keep an eye out on Kindle!

Anyway, thank you guy so, so much for reading. It means the world that people read this little project that we started as a joke, and then decided to keep going. Thank you to our friends for the support. That sounds really cheesy, but thank you guys for dealing with us as we wrote this. For still dealing with us as we edit and plan for the next one. I'm sure we got at least a little annoying with it ;). 

As always, remember to vote for the chapter, and leave your comments!!

Thank you! 

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