Chapter 12

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Morgan pov

We all load into an SUV. Angelo and Leandro sit up front. Ally and I are in the middle, and Ron got stuck sitting in the back. I don't know what I was expecting, but having to drive out to Meatball's house because he has a lot of open space to shoot wasn't it. But, I suppose I haven't really been doing things I would have expected to do these last few weeks anyway. 
After a while of driving, Angelo pulls into a small house outside of the city. There is a lot of open land out behind it. I climb out of the vehicle and follow him over to a small shed on the side of the house. Today it's super warm out, and I'm starting to regret wearing jeans. I bend over to pull my hair up before it gets too sweaty to deal with.
Over in the shed, Angelo and Leandro are pulling out tables and boxes. Ron is out in the yard putting up targets. 
"So," I say to Ally next to me. "What was up with you earlier? I didn't forget you randomly yelling in Leandro’s face." As I speak, her face turns red. 
Looking at the floor she whispers, "I just had a thought while he was beating eggs. It's fine."
I feel a grin start to grow on my face. "What was the thought?" 
"Iwishhedbeatmelikethoseeggs," she says quickly. 
"What was that?" I snicker. 
"I said 'I wish he'd beat me like those eggs!"
I start laughing hysterically while she turns an even darker shade of red. 
"Ladies!" Angelo yells from next to a table. "It's time to pick your weapons."
Ally and I look at each other and grin. We make our way over to the table where the boys are standing. My interest is drawn to the guns. I was always pretty good with a handgun, so I start picking some up. I find one that works easily for a left handed person. It's light with a nice grip. I look over at Angelo and nod. 
"This one. I want this one."
"Ok, but can you shoot? You can't pick it just because you think it's pretty," he says. I grab the loaded magazine that was sitting next to the gun and walk to the other side of the table. 
I get into stance and aim. I shoot three times and hit the center of the target each time. I turn and walk back to the table. I smirk at Angelo.
"I think she can shoot it," Ron says. He smiles down at me as he hands me the holster to the gun. I click the safety on and take the holster. It's the type that just hooks onto your waistband, so I put it on and slide the gun in. I look over at Ally. She's staring at the rifles. She always had a knack for long range. Finally she picks one up and moves to the shooting line. She aims and shoots. From where we're standing we can hear the clang of the bullet hitting the metal target. She steps back, nods, and unloads the gun. 
I move back to the table and start looking at other weapons besides the guns. I pick up a baseball bat and turn to Ally. 
"We could have a bit of a Stiles moment!" 
She looks up and her eyes go wide. "Oh my God you're right!"
"I want this one!" I say to Leandro, who is standing next to me. 
"Ok, then take it," he says. I suppose it is that simple. I have some knives from my brother hidden in my dorm. I'll start carrying those tomorrow. 
Ally picks up a knife and looks up. "I like this one."
"Well I would say we should practice, but your shooting is amazing already. I trust you can figure out how to use a bat and knife," Angelo says. Ally and I nod our heads. "Well then. Let's get cleaned up and we can head back to the city. Maybe stop by the bar and have a drink?" He says, looking at Ron. 
"Yeah that works. We can hang out there and when you guys leave, I'll just go up to the loft." Ron nods his head, agreeing with his own plan. 
The five of us work quickly to put things back into the shed, then pile back into the SUV. The drive is only about forty-five minutes, but Angelo decided he didn't want to drive, leaving Leandro in the driver's seat.
On the way back into the city the five of us sat and talked. We talked about a lot of things. I found out that Angelo's favorite color is light pink, and Ron's is green. Leandro claimed that he didn't have one. Then we got to talking about family life.
"My mom was the best person in my life. She died in a car crash a few years ago, but we were super close when she was alive," Angelo explained. 
"Honestly I think I was closer to your mom than mine," Ron said. He looked at Ally and I and explained. "His mom was my aunt. I ended up spending a lot of time with her as a kid."
Ally nodded her head and said, "Yeah, i was never really close with my parents. My brother was the favorite, and I felt like I couldn't really talk to them. When I was a kid, I feel like a lot of things were repressed, looking back.  That's probably why it was so easy to move here."
Leandro looks at her in the rear view mirror, frowning. "Well, that's not good. You know what, I'm your mom now. And your dad. Your, um, dom." he says. 
"What?" Angelo, Ron and I say together. I glance at Angelo to see a face of sheer exasperation. 
"Yes daddy?" Ally leans forward and whispers in Leandro’s ear. 
"No!" He yelled. Quickly, he swerved to the edge of the road. He whipped around in his seat. "No!"
Leandro’s face is bright red as the rest of us laugh. 
"You want to be her dom, Leandro?" I snicker. If it's possible, his face gets even more red. 
"I didn't mean that and you know it!" He said. He turns back and starts driving again. When we start to laugh again, he yells, "Shut up!" 
Ally drones from the seat next to me, "I didn't mean it, Leandro."
"Thank god," he whispers. 
"Unless you wanted me to." I can hear the smirk in her voice as the rest of us start to die laughing again. Leandro inhales loudly. Angelo hasn't stopped laughing. There are tears rolling down his face. Leandro is still red. 
For the rest of the drive back to Zeus's Tavern, we sit in silence other than Angelo's snickering. Leandro stays red in the face the whole way back. When we pull into the parking lot of the bar, we climb out and wait for Ron to open it up. He pulls a key ring from his pocket and unlocks the door. We walk in and stand around the door while Ron goes and turns on lights. Once we can see, we move over to the bar. Leandro sits as far away from Ally as he can. It's not very far considering I'm going behind the bar with Ron and Angelo is the only other person sitting. 
Without asking, Ron slides them both a beer. To Ally he slides a cup of soda. "I don't care that you're in a gang, you still are too young to be drinking," he says to her when she glares at him. She doesn't stop glaring, but she does take a drink of the soda. 
"So," I say to Ron. "What's your favorite drink to make?" 
He grins and starts grabbing bottles. I know nothing about alcohol, so when he tries to explain, I don't understand any of it. But, in the blue lighting he has on right now, he looks amazing as he mixes a drink. When he's done he slides it over to me. 
"There's no actual alcohol in this, so you're good to drink it. I just put in a soda where normally I would do whatever the customer wanted."
I pick up the cup and take a drink. "Oh this is good!" 
Ron grins at my reaction. "Come here, I'm going to teach you how to bartend." He walks down along the wall of cups, syrups, sodas, and alcohol. He stops at the end and points to a fridge. "This is where we keep anything we need cold. In the bottom, there's a drawer of ice." He takes a step over and points to a giant wine rack. "Here we have anything you could possibly want as far as wine goes. There are different ages, types, and flavors." He keeps pointing to things as we walk along the bar. At the end he says, "Ok, your turn to make a drink. Try a simple one. Whiskey sour."
"Ron, I don't know how to explain this to you, but I know nothing about how to make drinks. Or what would go into a whiskey sour."
"Ok, that's fine. Here's what you need." He turns and starts grabbing bottles. As he sets them down he tells me what they are. "Bourbon, lemon juice, this is just a syrup, and these are for decoration." At the last bit he holds up a jar of maraschino cherries and a plate of orange wheels. "Then, you're going to need a cocktail shaker and some ice." He goes to get a scoop of ice for the shaker and hands it back to me. "Ok, you're going to make and mix it. Bourbon first," he tells me. I pick up the bottle and start pouring into the shaker. "Ok, stop. Now the lemon juice." I do the same thing and wait for him to tell me to stop. "And the syrup. That should be enough. Ok, put the other side over the top of the shaker, and shake. I'll tell you when to stop." I listen to him again and start shaking the drink. After about thirty seconds, he tells me to stop. 
"Is that it?" I ask. He shakes his head and hands me a slotted spoon and cup with ice. 
"Pour it over the spoon into the cup. Then add your orange and cherry, and you're done." 
I do as he says, adding the orange to the side of the cup and the cherry into it. I hold up the cup and turn back to Ron, beaming. "Look at it! It's so pretty!" 
He laughs and takes the cup from me. "But does it taste right?" He takes a small sip of the drink and his eyes go wide. "Morgan this is probably better than some of the ones I make!" 
"Really! I'm very proud of that," I say, still beaming. He grins back at me. We spend the rest of the time at the bar going over simple bartending things. I notice that he has a habit of wiping down the counter when he's talking. Maybe it's some kind of nervous tick? We talk for hours while the others play darts and pool. 
"Morgan. We've got to go!" Angelo yells from the doorway. I hadn't even noticed that they were trying to leave. 
"Ok, I'm coming. I'll see you later Ron!"
"Bye Morgan!"
I wave to Ron as I run to catch up with the others. We pile into the car and head back to the mafia house. Now, we have a meeting to see what to do about this rival gang.

Authors' note

Hi! Thank you everyone for reading! Please remember to vote on the chapter. Comment your favorite part in this chapter. Also, who's everyone's favorite character? Who do you guys what to see more of? At the top of this chapter is Ron.

Also, would anyone be interested in a short Q&A with the authors of this book?

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