Chapter 18

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Morgan pov

Ally and I are getting ready to go to the club. Cady had sent us the address a while ago, and we were going to meet her and Kyle there. She's in a pair of jean shorts with a half-buttoned red flannel. On her feet are a pair of converse high tops to match her flannel. She's got a very cute casual look going. I'm in very heavily ripped skinny jeans (they're honestly more rip than jean), a black crop top, and a green flannel. I add the finishing touches to my makeup. Then I turn, and we walk out to the car. We get in and send Cady a text to let her know we're on our way.

"You ready," Ally asks.

"Yeah. I mean, I think. The boys are ready, right?"

"Yeah, they're already there. We'll get there and find Cady. Then start to low key interrogate Kyle." I nod as Ally talks and am quiet for the rest of the ride over to the club. We pull into the parking lot and are surrounded by rich person, luxury cars. We climb out and walk into the club. It's nice, people are dancing and moving around the floor. With a quick survey of the area, I spot Angelo and Leandro by the bar, and Antonio on the dance floor. Cady is sitting at a table with Kyle. We walk over to the table and slide in next to Cady. The bass is pounding and strobe lights are flashing.

"Hey!" Cady says excitedly. Her dark hair curled around her shoulders in bouncy curls. Her dress is low cut and bright pink.

"Hey!" I lean in and give her a hug. "Hi, Kyle."

"Hi. How have you been?" Kyle asks me.

"I've been well."

"I want to dance!" Cady suddenly yells. She stands, pushing Ally and I out of our seats, and out onto the dance floor. She starts to dance happily, while I stand there, hating dancing in clubs. Ally goes with the flow and starts dancing. I stand there and try to act as if I'm not trying to get information on Cady's boyfriend. Eventually Kyle comes out onto the floor and starts dancing with us. The four of us are in a circle, and it kind of is reminding me of a middle school dance. But at least Kyle isn't grinding on my friend, so there's some good things happening.

The four of us head back to the table and start to talk. Kyle is telling us about a trip he and his father are taking. "Yeah the plane is going to leave in a few weeks, then we'll be gone for about a month."

I'm paying close attention to what he's saying. This could be good information. I look across the club to where Angelo is watching us. I nod at him so he knows we're ok.

"I'm going to go grab us some drinks," Cady says and stands, heading over to the bar. When she gets back, she hands Ally a soda, me a water, and Kyle some type of drink that she keeps sipping on. I shrug out of the flannel I'm wearing. The four of us stand and head back to the dancefloor. I feel the bass pounding through my feet. I reach up to itch my shoulder.

Kyle's eyes follow my hand. He can see my tattoo. My gang tattoo. Fuck. I turn my shoulder away from him, but not before he meets my eyes with a sick smirk. I start to panic.

For the next hour or so, I continue panicking, while Kyle acts like nothing happened. Ally and Cady are oblivious to my shaking hands. "Well," Kyles says, "I think Cady and I should get going. I've got to ger her back to school and we have more plans for after this." He takes hold of Cady's hand and walks to the table where their jackets are. Then they quickly walk out of the club.

Without waiting for Ally, I rush over to where Angelo, Leandro, and Antiono are standing. "He knows. He saw my tattoo."

It takes Angelo a second to register what I said. When he does, his face goes dark. For the first time since I met him, I'm scared of him. "He saw your tattoo? Morgan what the fuck were you thinking? How could you be so careless?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking!"

"And you let her leave with him?"

"Did you want me to follow them?" I glance to the door then back to Angelo. He looks furious.

"Fuck Morgan!"

"Angelo." Leandro steps in. He puts his hand on his friend's shoulder. "She did nothing wrong. They couldn't cause a scene in the middle of the club. You need to calm down." His voice says steady as he calms his friend down.

Angelo nods and head to the door. "Let's just go," he calls over his shoulder. The rest of us follow his out of the club. Ally and I get into her car, with Leandro and Antonio climbing in behind us. We pull out of the parking lot. The four of us drive silently back to the school with Angelo following alone behind us.

We pull into the parking lot of the school and turn the car off. "Hey," Leandro says before we can get out, "You didn't do anything wrong. We didn't prepare you for a situation like this. But you handled it calmly and did the right thing."

With that he climbs out of the car and head over to Angelo's car. Antonio nods his agreement and follows him. Then Ally and I climb out of the car and head back to our dorms. I walk into mine and flop onto my bed. Abbi is sitting on hers quietly, scrolling on her phone. I pull out mine and watch Cady's accounts. There's no activity. She's gone silent on everything.

I spend the rest of the night watching my phone, hoping she'll text, or at least post.

But there's nothing.

Nothing for the rest of the night.

Author's note

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