Chapter 24

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Morgan pov

"I'm on my way. Where are you?" I ask as I run down the stairs and to the building Angelo and Leandro are in.

"Go in through the door Angelo and I went through. Turn down the left hall. Trust me, you'll find us." I tap on my earpiece and start running faster. I don't know what they need my help with, but they need it. So I have to get to them. I have to get to my friends.

I push the door open and run down the hall, gun in hand. I turn left and hear the sound of people fighting. Grunts and banging. I run down the hall and into a wide room. Leandro and Angelo are standing, guns drawn, facing what seems like a wall of men. Men who must be from the Irishmen. I pull my own gun up and start shooting.

There's a part of your brain, a part that cares a little too much about other people, that you have to turn off sometimes. Right now, while I'm trying to help my friends, I turn it off. I can't think about the people I'm shooting, the lives I'm tearing apart. Because I have to save Cady. I have to help Angelo and Leandro. I have to help them so outside, Antonio and Ally stay safe. So people don't go after Abbi, or Ron, or someone else who matters.

When there are no more men standing, and by some miracle Angelo, Leandro, and I haven't been shot, we walk to the next door. This feels like a video game. We're on the next level. The boss fight. Angelo opens the door to find Kyle pacing the room. I scan the room to find Cady. In a corner, she's tied to a chair. Tears run down her face.

"Cady, you're going to be ok, I promise. We're getting you out of here."

"Are you? Are you going to ger her out of here? Or is she going to watch you die trying?" Kyle sneers as he draws a gun from the holster on the back of his pants.

"Kyle, I'm going to tell you this one time. Put the gun down, and maybe you won't die," Angelo warns.

"You want me to put the gun down? You think I'd let you just kill me without a fight? No. No I'm going to cause you so much pain. I'm going to be the worst thing to happen to you!" Kyle frantically yells. There's a madness in his eyes. One that honestly worries me.

"Put the gun down, Kyle," Leandro slowly says.

Kyle swings the gun over to Cady. "No! No, I don't think I will. I think I'll kill her!"

"Put the gun down!" Angelo yells.

When Kyle doesn't move, Angelo raises his gun. Before Kyle can do anything, the trigger is pulled. Kyle drops to the ground, a puddle of his own blood surrounding him. I rush over to Cady and pull a knife from my boot. I cut the ropes around her wrists and ankles.

Through my coms I hear Ally yelling, asking what's going on. I ignore her, she'll figure it out later.

"Cady? Cady are you ok?" I ask. Tears run down her face. Cady gasps for breath through her sobbing.

"Morgan! Oh my god I can't believe you're here. Oh my god I was so scared. Morgan what the hell is going on?" She sobs.

"Hey. Hey it's ok. We're here now, and Ally's outside. You're safe, and I'll explain everything in a bit, ok? Everything is going to be ok."

"Ok. Ok. Everything is going to be ok," She says, more to herself than to me. Angelo comes up next to me.

"Cady?" He asks. "We're going to get you out of here. Are you ok to walk?" His voice is soft and comforting. Despite his face being splattered with blood, Cady doesn't seem to be scared of him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ok. Let's just go. Let's get out of here." She pushes herself up from the chair, but stumbles her first step. Angelo catches her before she can fall. Without speaking, he picks her up and starts walking out of the building.

"Alright men, we've completed our mission. You're on clean up now. We can't leave a trace of us being here," Leandro says through his coms.

"Hey, is Cady ok? Are you guys coming out now?" Ally asks.

"Yeah, yeah we got her," I answer.

"Great! Can someone come get me please?"

"Why do we have to get you?" Leandro asks.

"I'm not saying I got stabbed or anything, but I am saying that if one did get stabbed, it's really hard to walk with a blade grinding on your femur."

"You got stabbed?" I yell at the same time Leandro yells,

"I'm coming. Don't try to walk!"

"It's a little too late for that. But I'll wait for you where I'm at."

Leandro shakes his head and then starts jogging down the hallway and out of the building. I look over to Angelo and Cady. She's silent, resting her head on his shoulder as he carries her outside. I walk next to them, equally as quiet. I killed people today. They died because of me. They would have killed you and your friends, I tell myself.

Angelo and I finally make it outside. On the fire escape stairs of the building Ally was on, Leandro carries Ally down the stairs. Antonio is sitting on the ground next to one of the tires of the car we drove here in. I open the passenger door and Angelo sets Cady in the car.

"Are you physically hurt anywhere?" He asks her. I watch them long enough to see her shake her head. I turn away and drop to the ground next to Antonio. Neither of us speak, we just sit together in silence. He swings is arm around my shoulders and pulls me in to him. I let his support my drained body.

"It's hard, isn't it? The first few times are the worst, but it'll get better. And remember, if you didn't do it, they would have killed your friends. They would have killed you."

I nod, but don't say anything. He seems to understand, and just lets me lean on him. Leandro and Ally get to us in a few minutes, him carrying her.

"Let's get her back to the house and stitched up," Leandro says to us. He waits for someone to open the door for him. When I do he lays Ally on the back seat of the car. Leandro goes around to the other side of the car and sits in the seat her head is on, so her head is resting on his leg. I climb into the car and sit on the floor in front of the seats Ally is taking up. Antonio does the same thing as me, so we're quite crunched together. Angelo starts driving away from the building, and back to the mafia house. When we pull in, Ally lets Leandro carry her into the house. Cady decides to walk on her own, but Angelo stays by her side in case she needs his help.

I walk slowly into the house. I make my way into the living room and find Ron sitting on the couch. I walk over to him and flop down on the couch.

"Hey," He says quietly.

"Ron I killed people today," I whisper. Saying it out loud makes it real, and I'm scared. What will I become if killing people becomes a regular thing for me? But I've sworn my life to this. This is the person I've made myself.

"You killed bad people to save your friends. You saved a lot of lives today, in ending theirs," he tells me. It's hard to believe. To them, we're the bad people.

"I guess. But it's still hard to accept, that I've taken lives."

We sit together quietly, because that seems to be what I want, for a while. I don't know how long I sit there. But Ron sits next to me, and lets me go through my thoughts. I push myself off the couch.

"Ineed to shower, I'm covered in blood," I announce to myself and Ron. I leaveRon sitting on the couch and head up to my room to shower. 

Authors note

Sorry about the late update guys! But thanks for reading. Remember to vote for the chapter!

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