Chapter 13 - Calm

Start from the beginning

"Which one?" I quickly answered, just to say something.

"The wildlife one, I know you talked about it."

Than god, he saved me from the awkward moment. We continued talking about it, just to have something to say, but also because that was a documentary I actually wanted to see and was interested in.

The dinner actually continued smoothly after that, there were no more quiet moments at least. Apparently there was some kind of big match on tv, so Marla and John allowed me and Erik to grab some ice cream and go upstairs to his room.

I had never been in Erik's room before. Every time that he and Jeremy had been playing in there when we were younger, they had always excluded me and Mike from the party and said that we couldn't come in. That hadn't bothered me at the time, I was just happy to be with Mike, but now I thought it was pretty weird, considering how much time I had spent here.

Erik strode in and sat down on his big bed with the ice cream in his lap. He wasn't observant of me, so he didn't see that I wasn't entering as fast as he was. I wanted to savour the moment, I would only get to enter Erik Parrish's room the first time once. I took two steps in and looked around.

The walls were painted in some kind of grey or dark blue colour, making the giant room see smaller that it was, and long, dark curtains ran from the ceiling to the floor next to the high windows. There weren't much decorations on the walls, except for some kind of family photo and an old diploma of some sort on the far wall.

"Do you want chocolate or... oh pear!" Erik exclaimend on his bed while reading the flavours on the ice cream.

"Um.. You chose." I answered while walking over to a drawer that certainly didn't fill its purpose of keeping clothes in, since there were many different garments spread all over the room. On the drawer was an small, old goblet from some kind of football competition or similar.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Erik asked me.

"Just looking around, I have never been in here."

"Well, come over here and grab your ice cream and I'll start the movie."


"Yes, I picked one without you. You'll love it, promise."

I went over to the bed and cautiously sat on the edge. I was suddenly reminded of how alone we were in his room. Erik settled against the headboard and looked over at me where I was sitting. He rolled his eyes and pulled me closer, so that I was basically sitting in his lap.

The ice cream was good, and the movie too, but nothing could be as good as what Erik did to me. A bit into the movie I noticed that he seemed to find every possible excuse to touch me here and there. It could be to put his hand on my thigh or pulling me closer by the waist. Every little touch sent small bits of lightning through my body and the only thing I could focus on was where he was touching me.

I obviously knew what he was doing, and he knew that I knew too, since I was trying to give him subtle hints so that he wouldn't stop. I had lost track of the movie long ago and didn't try to catch up with it again. When he went as far as to actually slither two fingers under my shirt and letting his breath touch my neck, I gave up trying to sit still.

"For god's sake" I mumbled and turned around in his lap, so that I sat over his hips.

Then I pushed my lips onto his, determined to kiss that stupid grin off of his face. Every heartbeat lasted like a lifetime, every little possible touch between us felt like an explosion of electricity. He kissed me back with force, and a whiny moan escaped through my lips before I could stop it.

I felt his tongue explore mine, then going into my mouth to be able to feel all of it. I let him move us forward at a slow pace, so that I would have a chance to enjoy everything.

It all just felt so good, I just wished that it would never, ever stop. It felt like the world would end if he decided to leave me there now, like I wouldn't be able to bare it if he wasn't mine. I let my fingers explore the feeling of Erik's bare skin, since it appeared that I had lost all sense of self-preservation.

I felt like I was losing myself, but it was good. I trusted Erik enough to save me, to hold me out of the darkness. His hands held me, felt me, and after a while he obviously couldn't take this calm and civil way of making out, so he took me by my waist and turned us around so that I was lying on my back with him over me.

His hand slowly made its way down, just to stop and go down right between my legs. Just having his hand there was making it feel like explosions in my body and another moan of mine ended our kiss. I seriously need to stop moaning, although Erik definitely looked like he was enjoying it.

He looked down at me with rosey cheeks and dilated pupils in the dark. He was so fucking beautiful.

Erik raised his eyebrows in question, obviously meaning if we should continue, but he had clearly lost his mind.

"Your parents, dufus!" I shot back at him in the dark.

That will not happen as long as there are parents in the house.

He thought of it for a second and then sighed and laid down on me. His sudden weight crushed me and I felt like a flopping fish as I laid there and could do nothing.

He got the message and moved down a bit so that I could breathe. With his head resting on my chest and warm and a bit swollen lips, I relaxed my body and let my fingers wander through Erik's hair.

It was quiet in the room, except for the low murmur from the movie that was still on and the only light were from the tv and the moon that peaked out from behind the clouds outside. I was probably the most peaceful I had ever been.

After a while I noticed that Erik had fallen asleep on my chest, like a big baby.

My baby.


Hello! Hope you enjoyed this. As I have said before there are some chapters that are already up on the page WebNovel, so you can go check that out if you want to read the rest of the chapters already. otherwise I will just continue to update in this pace.

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