3 - Study Date?

753 38 71

"Let me help you study then!"

"Excuse me?"

Albedo looked at his boss, a confused look on his face. "You don't even know what I'm studying."

"What is it then? Bet its something science-y" Kaeya smiled, leaning on the counter.

"..It is. Botany to be exact, but I'm sure you wouldnt know jack shit about that." Albedo said, looking away from Kaeya and wiping down the counter.

"You are absolutely right, I wasted my college life on Mathematics and Education. Planned to be a Math professor, but found fit here in my little coffee shop." Kaeya smiled.

"Glad you did or I wouldn't get by every week." Albedo whispered to himself. "Anyway, if you really wanna help me study then sure, you know some stuff in math and could help with that I guess."

"You say "Some stuff" as if I didnt waste four years studying it." Kaeya chuckled, "But yea, I'll help. I also get to see beautiful's humble abode~!"

"Your not going in my bedroom."

"I'll sneak in."

"You. Will. Not."

Laughter burst out in the back of the coffee shop.


"Good old fashioned lover boy~!" Kaeya sang outside Albedo's apartment a few days later.

Albedo slowly walked to the door, his heart racing- why was his heart racing? What?

He opened the door, revealing the man in a white button down tucked into his jeans with a few buttons undone at the top showing his cleavage. He wore black skinny jeans and black Chelsea boots, a watch on his wrist to match it all.

"Checking me out? I must say your stunning aswell, my love." Kaeya said, a light hint of pink on his cheeks as he looked Albedo up and down, looking at his baggy sweat pants and black oversized sweater, his hair in a messy bun.

Albedo flushed a deep red, "I was not. Come in." Albdeo shook his head and stepped back, letting the more dapper man in.

"Of course not, beautiful." Kaeya chuckled and stepped in, spotting his books set up by the coffee table and moved over there, assuming that's where he should go.

Albedo went to the kitchen for a second, returning with a mug of something. He sat and sipped from it. "It's tea." He said, noticing Kaeya's curious expression. "Ohh. No coffee?"

"I don't drink it for two reasons, I don't like it and I can't have caffeine. Something medical. This is decaffeinated tea." Albedo said softly, sipping it again before putting it on the table. "Now you just sit there and look pretty while I study."

"So you think I'm pretty?"

Albdeo froze, realizing his words and blushed. His heart raced again, heat warming his body. He was tempted to flirt a little back, just to catch him off guard. But why would he do that? Hes not interested in Kaeya, he doesnt want a relationship.

"Yea." Albedo said and froze again. Fuck.

Kaeya smirked and sat back, his dark  cheeks dusted with a pretty pink color that made Albedo want to die.

Albedo sat, looking through his books and taking notes, writing questions and their answers down. After a while of writing, Kaeya secretly admiring the way his hands moved, or he flicked his bangs to the side to see, he turned to Kaeya and passed him his notebook. "Put those years of studying to use, Mr. Professor. Ask me questions I'll answer." Albedo said.

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