7 - A new face

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The confident man walked into his coffee shop like usual, yet this time a wider smile was on his face. The smile of a man in love, maybe, because when his eyes landed on the beautiful blonde haired man at the cash register, they brightened.

The blonde, for once, was smiling aswell. A small smile, yet his features showed how happy he truly was. He turned to the cash register just as the other got there, passing him his normal order. "Ahh, memorized when I come in, eh?" He teased and the blonde's smile turned to a frown, shaking his head before smiling again.

"Whatever you say, love. There's no one in right now, come sit with me." Kaeya nodded to a booth seat. "Who am I to say no to the boss." Albedo walked around the counter, heading to their seat.

Kaeya took a sip from his drink, putting it down and resting his arms on the table. Albedo did the same, minus the drink.

"So uh.. when are you free?" Kaeya asked, for the first time he felt shy. He reached over, putting a hand over Albedo's. "I'm not sure.. I like to study every day, but.. I could always make time for you." Albedo said, "Why?"

"I'd like to take you on a date." Kaeya smiled. He ran his thumb over the top of Albedo's hand softly. "Oh? So soon? Not.. that I mind." Albedo asked, he intertwined his fingers with Kaeya's.

Kaeya smiled at that and brought his hand to his lips, "Yea, I figured why wait?"

"You're.. very right, and I dont like it." Albedo joked and took his hand out of Kaeya's to flick his nose and bring it back closer to himself. "Ow! Meanie!"

Albedo giggled softly, making Kaeya look at him with a small smile for a bit too long. "..What?" Albedo asked, now staring at Kaeya too curiously.

"Your giggle has to be the most beautiful sound I've ever heard." Kaeya said, the most love in his tone that Albedo had ever heard. Only one other had heard that tone, but he was way back in the past.

Albedo flushed, shaking his head. "Hush that, Mr. Alberich."

"Hahah- does Mr. Alberich sound that nice to you that you keep saying it? Would you like carry it aswell or something?" Kaeya teased, making Albedo look at him with a small smile yet a worried look in his eyes.

"You think about marriage this early?"

Kaeya laughed, looking out the window next to him. "Sometimes if it's the right person."

"And how many "right people" have there been?" Albedo asked out of pure curiosity.

"Jealous, are we?" Kaeya laughed, looking back at him with an amused smile. Albedo agressively shook his head, a blush forming on his cheeks once again. "No no no- just curious."

"I knoooow, just teasing, my love." Kaeya said, before holding up one finger. "Theres been one other. Long away in the past- high school. He was wonderful, and one day he just.. disappeared."

Albedo looked at him with sad eyes. He wasn't jealous at all, of course he'd loved before Kaeya too. All he cared now was that his boyfriend seemed sad. Of course he was sad, thinking of the one who he truly did love all those years ago.

"I'm sorry about that.."

"Heh- no it's fine, I'm way over him now. If he wanted to just leave, so be it." Kaeya scoffed and bit his lip. "It's fine."

"Could I ask his name? Maybe I know him or- maybe he's at my college or something? I- I'm not sure.." Albedo stuttered, for some reason that was all he could think of to say.

Kaeya laughed, "Probably not, but, well this man had many names. His real name was Ajax though. Others called him Childe or Tartaglia- he really was one to have weird nicknames."

Albedo nodded, not knowing anyone by those names off the top of his head. "Yea I dont know of anyone.. apologies, Kaeya."

"Like I said, it's fine. Hm, a happier subject, shall we? Date night." Kaeya smiled, Albedo nodding. "A happier subject."

"So what do you want to do for our first date? Do you prefer to stay in or- maybe a place with the best wine?" Kaeya waved his hand, his pointer finger extended to exaggerate everything. "Now I may hate my brother, but he does make the best wine a man could taste- his chefs are amazing too, whatcha think?"

Albedo nodded, "Sounds nice, although I'm not one to drink much- especially wine."

Kaeya fake gasped and held his hand to his heart. "How dare thy, you evil man." Albedo laughed, smirking and playing along, "The most wicked, huh?"

Kaeya smiled and shook his head, "More like the most beautiful." Albedo sighed at him and shook his head, "You compliment me too much, Kaeya, I barely get to say anything about you."

Kaeya laughed, "Well, I just say what's on my mind- and my mind is constantly racing around you."

"How romantic." Albedo teased, hearing the shop door open, a man walking in. Albedo quickly jumped up, walking back to the register, leaving a shocked Kaeya.

The man that walked in was tall, short bright ginger hair, dull blue eyes, that smirk that constantly seemed to stick to him.

2 shots of love || Kaebedo Modern Coffee Shop AU حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن