In the rain-the rain begins (17)

Start from the beginning

"Will I see you again soon Scota?" Amy asks now, getting nervous once more.

"Of course, you will! I am bringing dinner to your studio flat!" Scota waves goodbye for now.

Amy hugs herself and then proceeds to place her card key into the door slot to her new home. A gasp rushes out of her mouth! The flat is decorated as she would have done it. A couple of art pieces are framed art hanging. One of her more risque artworks is hanging above the huge sleigh bed.

It is like someone could read her mind!

With her cheeks pink from shy embarrassment, Amy checks the small studio apartment more so that it is set up for completing her art projects. As promised, Scota brings fish n'chips with beer and sodas. She leaves Amy just before the late bedtime hour. Amy drifts off to sleep easily for such a change to her internal clock set at the U.S. time.

Outside the flat and half a campus away, Scathach lets a long-held breath out. Her back straightens at sensing Alucard's approach. Her head turns to face the exact direction Vampire King is walking from.

"Kazikli Voivode..."Scathach softly calls out. "She is settling in well tonight..."

His crimson duster blows put to flap in a sudden breeze as Shadow King stands next to the raven fae. His fingers, bare skinned for some reason, lifts her angular chin to look him in the eyes. His right hand pulls his orange aviator glasses down. Alucard knows that Scathach gets weak in the knees at the mere sight of his molten hellfire eyes. A cheeky smile spreads across his pale but seductive lips.

"So if everything goes according to plan mică ghindă," his teeth tug on her right, earlobe like a tiger thinking it's cute and playful. "You and Baskerville will be free from me soon.."

"Soon is not soon enough when it comes to you..."she chirps out like an angry bird.

"Comes to me?" He chuckles eerily. "I think we need to spend one more night writhing in passion and me pumping you full of cum..."

Scathach jerks her chin away from his fingers, "I hate you. I should have never traveled to your homeland!"

His lips ghost over her pouting ones, "But you did, and here we are in 'sunny' London..."

The odd and angry couple lock lips into a passionate kiss with the battling of tongues. Alucard motions once more for a shadowy portal to Chateau Sanguine. That hint of regret strikes Scathach again about Amy and Alucard's dark clutches.

This is about 'Bodu' the face hound...

The first two days at London College are clearly uneventful. Amy finds her classes easily and is beginning to make possible friends for the two classes so far. Though she can't shake the feeling she is being watched. Perhaps the flat has a ghost due to the age of the building? She will ask Scota when they next meet up.

It's on the third day; actually, the third night, a chilling shiver glides down her spine. Her green eyes search, looking out her flat door in vain, for the cause. Suddenly, her mind switches gears to the sound of large caliber gun fire. This strikes Amy as quite strange due to the strict gun owning laws of England. The sound doesn't scare her as she has been around guns in her hometown in America.

It's more curious if anything...

Dark shadows engulfing the night stand at the corner of Amy's flat. Alucard glides silently across the ground to observe his little future human pet. He is overjoyed that Miss Amy could sense his presence so easily. His patience pays off as Amy retires to bed but not before setting up to do some art in the morning before class starts. As she drifts off into a deep, relaxing sleep, Alucard's shadow morphs into the flat of the young woman. Her breathing has a natural calming effect on the Shadow King.

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