Dangerous Wanderings- couple (6)

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Image: AmikArtest

Vlad hums a moment, "Well draga mea since you asked so nicely the answer is...da."

Unfortunately you realize his idea of setting you down and yours don't match at all. You get a strange feeling of passing through solids and shadows moving on their own to finally end up in the basement. In his room exactly. You land in his bare arms and look around his room once more as if it had changed since you last were in it.

"La naiba," (oh fuck) comes out of your mouth. A couple of your friends thought it was funny to teach you profanity in Romanian.

Apparently so does Vlad as he chuckles, "So where did you learn such language? Have you been to my homeland?"

"No, it was a contest on who could speak the most profanity in the most languages..."you confess. "I'm young and waste my time on such absurd endeavors unlike you, at 589 years of age."

"Hmm...you will not be young for much longer. You have trespassed in the Hellsing manor. My Master won't be rescuing you..."

His body is cool to the touch and you are not sure when his clothes came off. Your eyes look down as if you really need to be checking him out. (Y/n) looks back up and sighs. "You're good looking for a dead person who should be missing a head and it's in Turkey or wherever Mehemed was."

"The history books and my history have some grey areas and that missing head in honey is one of them..." Vlad nuzzles your neck. "You seem to 'know' alot about my human life, little one. Why is that?"

(Y/n) squirms in Vlad's arms. "I just felt sorrow for you. Your land, wife, children and then your life all for ungrateful people...for betrayers and a scum gambling king of another country. You could be cruel and harsh but no more than others of the time period."

"I see..." the Vampire King chuckles then walks with speed and purpose to the 'clique' vampire bed. "And how would I know you would have not betrayed me?"

"Die for you...self sacrifice even if it meant thrusting my body upon your sword to prove it," your eyes look into his molten lava like eyes as you tell him this. You want him to see you speak the truth. His pupils constrict down to a pin points then blow out in dilation. A low, vibrating rumble comes out, that your body feels as much as your ears hear. Your body betrays you when a low moan slips out. It is as if your body called back in return to his.

Vlad unceremoniously drops you on the bed and stares down like a hungry wolf. As if he is deciding which part of you to devour first.You have been pretty calm and thinking straight but when his eyes study your body, the panic finally sets in. Your hands and heels of your shoes try to get purchase on the sheets to scramble against the manor wall. The Unholy King growls as if irritated with your action then with his speed, he is only capable of possessing, you feel your right ankle get pulled hard to the edge of the bed. In three quick movements your boots are landing hard on the floor somewhere your bra, with your shirt, goes one way and skirt the other way.

Damn! Vampires and their speed!

Then the world goes a bit upside down as you feel cool skin pressing into the back of your legs. Vlad has hooked your legs over his shoulders and pulls you up to rest on her the backs of your shoulders. You hear an intake of breath then the loud click of teeth so you let a scream out, as you are just sure, he is about to bite you in the groin. His left hand snakes down to muff your natural vocal instinct as his teeth tear your panties in the crotch.

A new definition of crotchless undies: vampire style ones.

His long tongue forces itself in between your lips to circle your clit. You let a small cry out from the intense feeling of his tongue then moan. The Shadow King begins a pattern of long wet licking then circles your sensitive nub. His right hand slides down your thigh on his shoulder then parts your folds to rub slowly on your clit. His strong tongue begins to go in and out of your core. His groans tell you verbally that he thinks you taste delicious and his tongue work is physical proof how you taste incredible, to such a being as he is.

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